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After Anthony completed his homework, with his sister's help, he begged for Hazel to let him watch the television. It was already almost an hour past his bedtime and their mother would be home soon.

Hazel glanced at the clock and let out a low breath. "Maybe tomorrow, Anthony. " Her young sibling looked away in disappointment. "I'll even buy to pizza."

"Nah, it's okay," he sighed. Anthony stood up from his spot around the coffee table and gave his sister a short hug. "I understand." He trudged to the spiral staircase. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hazel. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Anthony," Hazel replied quietly. Her mood was crestfallen. "Sweet dreams," she called as she watched him disappear to the next landing.

Hazel gathered up the mess of items on the table. She took one last check around before heading up the stairs herself. She flicked the room light off with her elbow as she went past. When she got to the second floor, she heard her brother's bedroom door close with a soft thud.

"I'm sorry, Anthony," Hazel whispered as she walked past her brother's door.

She quickly entered her own room and dumped all the things in a box on her desk. Hazel wandered from her desk to the billeting board between her shelves and bookcase. Hazel felt like she was now waist deep in possible explanations to the mysterious Cullens.

She didn't know when it turned her into a conspiracy theorist. It certainly interfered with her normal thoughts, though. She gazed at one of the several theories when something seemed to click. A fictional lightbulb flicked on a over her head.

With trembling hands, Hazel picked up her phone. Hazel decided to call Alice first. It went straight to voicemail.

Don"t think about it. It's just a theory.

She tried Jasper. It, too, went to voicemail.

It's all a coincidence. It may seem rational, but it's not.

She dialed Emmett. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hazelnut?" He asked. Hazel couldn't hold in her anxiety anymore.

It's true. Your theory is correct. They are what you think they are.

"I–" Hazel faltered. She knew it was crazy, but she had to be 100% sure. "I need to speak with Alice. Or Jasper. Or– or any of you!" Hazel's voice shook.

"Woah, woah. Calm down," Emmett said, "what's this about, Hazelnut?"

"I–" she took in a deep breath, "I know what you are." Her voice didn't follow her racing thoughts. "I know what all of you are." Then she hung up.

"Woah, woah. Calm down," Alice watched in anticipation as Emmett spoke in to his phone, "what's this about, Hazelnut?"

Emmett stayed silent as the girl on the other end answered him. His face turned from nervous to shocked. He slowly pulled the piece.of technology from his ear and turned to his family.

"Alice, Jasper." Emmett's voice came.out wavering. "I'm pretty sure Hazel wants to talk with you.

The Cullens turned to the pair. They shared a look with each other and squeezed each other's hand. Jasper felt just as anxious as Alice did, but he was able to hide it better. He nodded at his brother. Alice kept a tight grip on his hand.

"We should go," Alice whispered. Jasper and Alice stood. "We'll be back soon."

Carlisle nodded with a grim expression and the pair ran from the house.

Hazel paced the front lawn of her home. Hazel's mother had arrived not long after the girl ended the phone call and had immediately gone to bed. Now, Hazel was just left by herself, waiting for literally any of the Cullens to appear. Hell, she would even be fine if Edward turned up, as long as she got the answers she wanted.

"Hazel." The girl called stopped pacing and swung her head. Jasper and Alice walked from the edge of the trees toward her. "Hi." Hazel stepped away from them in fear. "Listen to us, Hazel–"

"No!" Hazel held up her arms at the two. "Stay there... Please."

"We won't hurt you, Hazel. I promise." Alice took another step forward. Hazel took one more back. "You don't have to be afraid of us."

"How should I know?" Hazel yelled. The pale pair exchanged a glance. "You're all v–" Jasper sped over to her in the split second, his hand covered her mouth. She pushed his cold hand off. "You're all vampires." She whispered. "Every single one of you."

Jasper took a step back from the girl and averted his gaze. "We are sorry, Hazel." His sombre southern accent made Hazel frown.

"What about the blood?" She asked, looking to Alice. "Why haven't you killed me yet?"

"We hunt animals," Alice almost laughed as she walked over to Hazel. "I guess you could call us vegetarian vampires. Jasper's the newest, though, so he can very easily be set off by blood."

Hazel wanted to fall to the cold, damp ground. "I promise. I promise to keep your secret and not tell anyone. I swear." Hazel turned her gaze to the grass at her feet. "Just tell me everything I need to know."

"We can't do it here," Alice looked both ways down the street before at Jasper. "We'll go back to our house. Jas, can you carry her?" The honey blonde nodded. "You should get on Jasper's back. And make sure to hold on."

Hazel shot the short girl a confused look, but complied with her orders anyway. In half a second, the wind was whipping Hazel's short curly locks all around. She buried her face into Jasper's back to protect it. Almost as soon a sit had started, they'd stopped. Hazel slid off Jasper's back, bit held on to his long sleeve to keep her balance.

"Here we go," Jasper spoke, wrapping his arm around her waist and guided her inside.

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