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Soon, after many long, tortuous periods, came lunch. Hazel was told to stay behind in her science class to help her teacher pack up with some other students. As soon as she walked into the cafeteria, her eyes darted to the Cullens' table. She saw Alice waving at her, a d even Emmett have the girl a grin.

"Nice to see you, Hazelnut," Emmett joked. Rosalie glared at him and his smile faltered a little.

"Come sit!" Alice beamed. She patted the seat next to her and an annoyed Rosalie. "I was afraid you weren't going to turn up."

"Sorry, Alice," Hazel looked at the table as she sat. Marco was still held tightly in her arm. "Mr. G needed some help to clean up the lab, so a few other kids and I volunteered."

"He should have kept you longer," Rosalie grumbled under her breath. She almost immediately regretted it when she felt Alice and Jasper's burning gaze on her.

Ignoring the comment, Hazel turned and looked at the entire table. "Are none of you going to eat?"

None of the Cullens had so much we as a glance at their food since Hazel had arrived.

"Special diet," Emmet smiled. "Sadly, at school, we're required to have something on our trays." Hazel nodded and put back down the apple she'd picked up, feeling guilty.

"Don't feel guilty about eating in front of us," Alice patted her arm in reassurance. It was like she read the girl's mind or something. "I'll take Marco, you eat."

Rosalie watched in disgust as Hazel passed the gurgling baby to her sister.

"You named that thing?" She sneered.

"We had to," Alice pouted. "But I think that Hazel chose a great name. I could get used to being her fake-wife." Hazel flushed at Alice's teasing.

Before another comment was said, Edward Cullen suddenly shot up out of his seat. Hazel watched the boy exit the cafeteria before scanning the room. Her eyes landed on the new girl, who she remembered was called Isabella Swan. She had been piling up her tray, and she had so seen Edward's exit.

The Cullen table became quiet, save for Marco babbling in Alice's arms. Alice and Jasper exchanged a glance that didn't go unnoticed by the human among them. Hazel felt like she should leave. As soon as he went to swing her leg out of the circle, Alice turned to her.

"Sorry about that," Alice gave the girl a sheepish look. "Edward told us he wasn't feeling well this morning. It must've gotten worse." Hazel nodded, though she wasn't convinced.

"How's life with a child?" Emmett asked, changing the subject.

"I'm used to it," Hazel shrugged. "I've got a younger brother. And my best friend is Christian Smith." She finally took a bite of her apple.

"Isn't he the one who put a toad in Mrs. Cameron's desk drawer?" Rosalie asked. Hazel nodded with a small grin. "He's in my history class. I hate him."

"I'm pretty sure you hate everyone, though," Emmett joked. He attempted to put his arm over the blonde's shoulder, but she hit it away. "It's just a joke." That didn't stop Rosalie's glare.

"How old is your brother?" Alice inquired.

"He's nine years old," Hazel said, "but he acts like he's four most of the time." Alice giggled. "He's not a bad kid, though, he just makes some bad decisions."

"He sounds cute," Jasper commented. Hazel smiled kindly in response.

In those few moments, she noticed he was still stiff. He looked as pained and uncomfortable as ever. He seemed to always be tense.

"So, Hazelnut." Emmett came back from his silent argument with Rosalie. "Is anyone in that group dating you, or are you single?" Hazel choked on her apple and Alice rushed to dislodge it from her windpipe.

"N-no," Hazel gasped in reply. "Why- why are you asking?"

"Just curious." Hazel easily identified the cheeky gleam in his eye. "Are you interested in one of them?"

"No," Hazel stated. "Victor and Christian are like the brothers I never wanted. And Minnie is basically my sister. I couldn't even think about dating one of them."

"Why not Victor?" Alice questioned with a tilt of her head. "He seems pretty into you."

Hazel sighed, "I know he does, but I just couldn't." She placed down her apple core on a napkin.

"That's good," Emmett smiled. He leaned back and grinned at the curly-haired girl. "He seems a bit weird."

"He isn't weird," Hazel immediately went to defend him, "he's just expressive and out there with his interests. Which is perfectly okay."

Before Emmet could add another comment, the bell rang loudly. The Cullens and Hazel flinched. Each of them grabbed their things and Hazel watched as they threw out their untouched food. Jasper even took Hazel's for her.

"You have AP History, right?" Hazel nodded at Alice. "Great! You and Jasper can walk together. Bye!" She skipped off immediately.

Hazel watched her go. She turned to the blonde male, only to find him already waiting for her. She began to walk without a word.

"Alice seems to like you," Jasper commented, attempting to begin a conversation.

"It's only because we're partners for Home Ec." Hazel let out a breath of air. "I doubt she'd talk to me otherwise."

"Maybe, maybe not," Jasper shrugged, a small smirk on his lips.

"Have you two been a thing for long or... ?" Hazel trailed off.

"You could say that. How long have you been living in Forks?"

"Eight years." Hazel tucked a curl behind her ear. "My mother was pregnant with my brother, and she just wanted to get out of the big city."

"So she moved to the coldest, wettest place she could find?" Jasper chuckled. Hazel hummed in response.

The two walked a little more. They soon reached their AP History class. Most people were already there. Jasper extended out his arm and offered a forced smile to the girl.

"Ladies first."

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