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Several weeks after Hazel had her first 'date' with Alice and Jasper, Isabella Swan had figured out the Cullen's secret. Alice told Hazel that Isabella had taken Edward into the forest. It was there the girl confronted the boy, and he had shown her everything he was capable of.

Now, Hazel was one of the dozens of students that were staring at Isabella Swan. Edward had just turned up in his Volvo, with Isabella getting out of the silver vehicle with him. Edward's adopted siblings stared, too.

"I guess they made it official," Hazel gawked, watching the couple walk into the school building. Alice shot her a disapproving look. "What? Too soon?" Alice just smiled and shook her head at the girl.

Alice grabbed Jasper's hand and began to walk into the school. As the two passed, Alice blew the girl a kiss. Jasper smiled at her, and gave her a tender touch on the shoulder.

Hazel had then been asked to officially meet Isabella. Immediately, she had asked why.

"We'll, because you're one of us now, Hazelnut," Emmett smiled, and this time Hazel was prepared for his tree trunk of an arm on her shoulder. "You're a part of this family."

"Really?" Hazel looked up at the boy with a sparkled of happiness in her light brown eyes.

"Yep," he replied. "You, little Hazelnut, are Alice and Jasper's mate. You get into any danger, well protect you."

"Well, only if I have to," Rosalie groaned. Emmett shot her a look. "Kidding! I would protect you more than I would Bella." Emmett agent her another look. "What? You want me to lie?"

"Maybe!" Emmett exclaimed. Rosalie grumbled and rolled her eyes. Hazel sent Minnie, who was standing by her locker, a pleasing look.

The afternoon that Isabella Swan — who Hazel had learned way too late prefered to just be called Bella — was coming over finally arrived. Hazel felt her nerves settling in her stomach as she fiddled with her cream blouse. Alice had told her to dress in nice, casual clothing, which the vampire had run by and prepared.

So, now, Hazel stood in the Cullen's kitchen, aiding them in preparing Italiano while also listening to the operatic music that played.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie grumbled, hold the glass bowl of Italiano in her hands.

"Her name is Bella," Emmett replied, seeming like that was the only logic that mattered. Hazel snickered at him.

"I'm sure she'll love it, no matter what." Carlisle looked back at his family with an encouraging smile.

Rosalie inhaled and sighed, "get a whiff of that!" The Cullens all exchanged smiles. "Here comes the human!" Rosalie sang, with a glance Hazel's way.

Esme headed from the kitchen to greet the girl.

"Bella, were making Italiano for you, and Hazel," she smiled, motioning towards the other human.

"Oh." Hazel held back a cringe at the awkward look on Bella's face.

"Bella, this is Esme," Edward introduced. "My mother for all intents and purposes."

"Emmett!" Hazel hissed at the boy who waved a knife around in the air. She had completely missed the exchange in Italian.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time," Carlisle smiled, shooting a glance Hazel's way.

"I hope you're hungry," Esme said.

"Yeah, absolutely," Bella replied.

"She already ate," Edward sighed.

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