just a good husband > e.d

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ethan and i have been married for 3 years now, and we don't have any kids. yet. we have a cute house on the coastline in California, and we love it so much.

i guess i should tell you a little bit about me and my past. i've been in two abusive relationships, one with my dad and the other with my ex boyfriend. my dad would stay out very late nearly every night, and then he would come home drunk and always verbally and physically hurt my mom and i. luckily, my mom finally had enough, so around 2am one morning, she woke me up, already had my stuff packed and we left, going from little Alabama to California. it was good, until i met ryan, my ex. he would do the same thing that my dad did. my past has affected me so poorly, and i have a lot of nightmares, reliving those abusive moments.

tonight, ethan and i watched a movie, and now we are going to bed.

"good night y/n. i love you."
"i love you too eth. good night." i snuggled up against him and he wrapped me in a warm embrace.

nothing feels better than this.

i shot up quickly, panting, my heart racing. i looked to my side, and ethan wasn't there. i could feel my heart beating faster, making it harder for me to breathe. soon, the bathroom door opened and ethan walked out. the second he saw me, he ran over and sat on the bed beside me.

"baby, what happened?" i just leaned into him, and he wrapped his arms around me. "another nightmare?" i nod against his chest and he lays his chin on my head, holding me, letting me calm down.

after a few minutes, i finally caught my breath and relaxed. i pulled away slowly. he wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"do you mind talking about it?" i shake my head. "it's just the s-same things. r-reliving the past basically. it's a scary thing." he nods and kisses my forehead. "i'm so sorry baby, come here." he lays down and i place my head on his chest. he pulls my leg across him and wraps his arms around me, pulling the blankets over us. "go to sleep. i'm not going anywhere. no one can hurt you." i fall asleep to those sweet words being repeated, along with soft kisses on my head every now and then.

next morning

i woke up to the sound of the shower running, and then turning off. he opened the door letting light from the bathroom flood into the room. i rubbed my eyes then sat up. he walked over to me and kissed my head.

"how did you sleep?" i rubbed my eyes as he sat down next to me. i shrugged and leaned into his chest. he chuckled softly.

"i figured today could be a chill day. like, watch movies, cuddle, order pizza..sound good?" i nodded and laid back down, closing my eyes. soon, i opened my eyes again and saw he was still there, staring at me with a small smile.

"what?" i smile back at him. "you're just so perfect." i laugh softly and sit up. "even with a bed head?" he smiles.

"even with a bed head."

word count: 556
kind of a random one but i like it :)
it's also kinda all over the place and i apologize
don't forget to vote and comment if you like it!

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