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i sat on the couch in the living room of the house that i share with grayson.

i scrolled through twitter, liking fans' tweets and retweeting some. one tweet in specific, one sent by grayson.

as i read it, i felt my eyes fill with tears

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as i read it, i felt my eyes fill with tears. he had talked to me about his struggles, and made it quite clear that he wanted to keep it private. i'm honestly so proud of him and how far he's come, also thankful for the fact that he is willing to share such hard truth in order to help others.

i walked up the stairs to our bedroom, where he had been for the past 30 minutes, probably typing out the tweet.

as i got closer to the door, i heard quiet sniffles. i opened the door and walked over to him, sitting next to him on the bed.

"grayson? baby, what's wrong?" he sniffled again, wiping tears off his face. he seemed to not want to answer, his reaction hesitant.

"i saw your tweet, is that what you're upset about?" he slowly nodded, more tears falling down his face.

"oh honey, come here." i pulled him into a hug, my chin resting on his shoulder and his face hiding in the crook of my neck.

he continued to let out broken sobs, each of them seeming to only break my heart. one of my hands rubbed his back while the other held the back of his head to keep him close.

"i'm proud of how far you've come gray. i've been with you through it all, and you've always managed to stay positive, even when you felt like everything was crumbling. i love you."

he slowly pulled away from my embrace, wiping his tears away.

"i just feel so weak and vulnerable, you know? like, all my fans see me as someone so strong and perfect, but then i tweet this, and now i'm worried i'm letting them down."

i shook my head quickly, disagreeing with his statement.

"grayson, i know you, and even though you feel weak and vulnerable right now, you are the strongest person i know. and i know for a fact that your fans think so too. your tweet is not going to make them love you any less, and i'm sure they think you are an even stronger person now."

he chuckled softly, looking up into my eyes.

"you always know just the right words. thank you y/n."

he hugged me again, his arms wrapping tightly around me.

"i'm so proud of you grayson."

"i love you."

published aug 3 2020
everyone goes through hard times, it's just life. but if you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to PM me<3 i love u

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