make you mine ; e

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y/n's pov
my thoughts clouded my brain, keeping me from sleep.


i sighed, turning over on my side, away from the window in my bedroom.

i tossed and turned for at least another hour before i gave up.

i grabbed my phone and texted the groupchat that i have with two of my best friends.

me: hey guys
me: you still awake?

gray: yeah
eth: ofc what's up?

me: well, i'm having trouble sleeping
me: i wanted to know if i could come over and hang out on the roof of the apartment
me: that always seems to calm me

eth: sure
gray: just text us when you get here

i slipped on a sweatshirt and put on my af1's.

i've gone over to ethan and gray's nearly every night. my overthinking self can almost never turn off my brain past 10pm. always thinking up a storm.

i drove over to their apartment building and hurried up the stairs to the roof

me: hey i'm on the roof now:)

eth: k i'll be up shortly

while i waited for him, my thoughts seemed to come even louder.

i leaned my head down on my knees which were pulled up to my chest.

everytime i begin overthinking, i always get a headache. a pounding headache.

so i come to the apartment.

sitting on the roof, over viewing the city lights calms me.

before my best friend moved away to north carolina, she used to live in this apartment building, so we would come to the roof every night and stay up to watch the sunrise.

she was my rock. but when she left, my anxiety only skyrocketed. i wasn't able to come to the apartment rooftop anymore because you need a key to do so.

until i met ethan and grayson, i was left alone in my own home. just my thoughts and i.

ethan and grayson got me a spare key when i told them about my anxiety and how the roof calmed me.

i heard the roof door open, drawing me from inside my head.

i looked over to see a figure approaching me. he finally came close enough that i could see that it was ethan.

"hey y/n/n." i weakly smiled as he sat down next to me. "it's a little chilly up here, yeah?" i nodded, my eyes scanning the scenery before me.

a chill was sent down my spine when i felt the cool breeze. ethan apparently noticed, so he pulled me close to him and wrapped an arm around me in an attempt to warm me. which worked.

"so, overthinking again?" i nodded, leaning my head down on his shoulder.

"wanna talk about it?"

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