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I arrived back at my cabin. I opened the door and was met with an upset looking Jorge.

"Benji oh my god! You're okay! I didn't know where you went, I thought you left me as a bunk mate! I'm sorry for kissing you, i really am," he said, stuttering out.

I shook my head.
"I just went to go think for myself, you don't have to apologize for anything. And I kissed you," I said, not knowing that would ever come out of my mouth.

He took a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank god." He said
I smiled.

I think I decided that I would ask Abby on a date first.

Maybe it was because I liked her more.

Or maybe it was really because I still wasn't accepting of myself.

I walked up the stairs to my room and texted Maliki, asking for abbys number.

He gave it to me and I texted her.

- hey
                                                                      Uhm hey?-
- oh, it's benji
                                                                     Oh! Hi! Hru-
- I'm good
- I was just asking if u wanted to go on a date
                                                                     Oh yeah sure!-
- okay, where would you want to go?
                             Maybe I can show u the makeup department, since I didn't get to on viewing day -
- oh , okay. Let's meet at 7?

I smiled and licked my phone, checking the time and seeing it was 5:30.

I got up and slipped my shirt over my head, changing it for a black hoodie, and black basketball shorts.

I ran my fingers through my hair and then sat on my bed.

And then I heard footsteps.

I looked down from the top bunk to see it was jorge.

"Hey benji," he said. I smiled. His hair was in a curly little mess, with a long oversized shirt on, practically engulfing his small body.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Uhm, could we talk?" He asked. I nodded, and tapped on my bed, gesturing for him to come up here.

He climbed up the ladder and sat on my bed.

"I just wanted to talk about the kiss, and what it meant to you," he said.

I stayed silent.
What did it mean to me?
To be quite honest, I wasn't sure.

"I , uhm. I don't know. What did it mean to you?" I asked.

His smile lost some happiness, but still remained there.
"It meant a lot. I liked kissing you, benji," he said.

I felt myself go red.

"To be honest, I don't know. I don't remember what it felt like, or how I felt." I said.

He looked at me, and then away again.
"Well, would you maybe want to do it again?' He asked.

I stared at him.
His pink lips.
His cute face.

I nodded, and leant in.
Our lips touched.

It was clear that trying to push away feelings for this boy wasn't working.

So I thought maybe I'd try and embrace it

For just this once.

I put my hands on either side of his face, and pulled him deeper into the kiss.

I felt him smile, and open his mouth.
I entered my tongue into his mouth and our tongues danced.

God it felt so good.

I bit his lip, and pulled back on it, and it snapped back in place.

I felt his hands go into my hair, and tug on it slightly.
It made my mouth fly open, and a moan slipped out.

We broke from the kiss and he looked at me.

"Did- did you just moan?" He said, face red.
I could feel my face burning as well.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, feeling my heart race. God why does he have this affect on me.

He nodded.
"Good, because that was hot," he said, and then pushed me back, and tilted my head to the side.

He hovered his fingers over my neck, and then leant into my ear and whispered.

"Can I kiss your neck?" He said. I nodded, and then felt his warm lips connect to my neck. 

And god I couldn't even breathe, I was in pure bliss. He started sucking, and then licked his tongue over it to soothe the pain, I couldn't stop moaning.

And then an alarm went off from my phone.

"Oh shit, I, uh, I have to go," I said, gesture towards the alarm.

He nodded, but looked a little disappointed.

"Okay, later," he said, waving to me. I got up and ruffled my hair in place as I was walking to the stairs.

"Wait!" He said, and ran over to me, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Okay, now bye," he said, and I left a blushing mess.

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