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While benji was gone I got bored and lonely so I invited Olivia over.

I looked over to see the front door of the cabin opening, and Olivia bursting in.

"Hey!" She said, setting bags of food on the table. I looked at her in confusion, she noticed.

"Ohh, these are your food bags from the food center. I got yours for you because I know you're hungry," she said.

I smiled and got up to peak at what she had in the bag.

"So how was your morning?" She asked, as I excitedly pulled out noddles, block cheese, and milk.

"It was fine but my day is great now! Want macaroni and cheese?" I asked, she nodded frantically and took a seat.

"How was your day?" I asked, pulling out a pot and filling it with water.

"Good." She said, getting a knife and started cutting the cheese.

"So.. benji is like really hot," I said, preparing for the story I was about to tell her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that whole Abby situation," Olivia said, sighing.

"It's fine, it's not like he's going to like her self conceited ass," I said, she gave me a puzzled look.

"What?" I said.

"Jorge, he's on a date with her right now." She said, looking at my face for any trace of emotion.

My heart stopped.


"I- but we, we made out earlier today,"I said, and her eyes widened.

"What! Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, a smile growing on her face.

"I was trying to but Olivia! Not what to focus on right now! He's on a date!" I said.

We were both quiet. I poured the noodles into the pot and sat down.

"How could he do this to me," I said, and I felt Olivia put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. Soon we'll have Mac and cheeses," she said, and turned around to cook it for me, as I was not in the right state of mind

All I could think of was benjis lips on abbys. When mine were supposed to be there.


I arrived at the art center, slipping a hoodie on as it was surprisingly a cold summer night.

I then felt hand wrap around my face, covering my eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice, that was obviously abby's said.

"Hmm, Maliki?" I said. She laughed at took her hands off of my face.

"Sadly it's just me," she said, as I turned to see her.

We stared at each other for awhile. She's pretty, her hair flows smoothly over her shoulder.

"Shall we go in?" I asked, holding my arm out for her to connect here with.

"We shall," she said, and connected her arm with mine, and we skipped into the building.

We got in the elevator and went to the makeup floor.

We walked it and it was quite stunning.

There was palletes , nice ones, everywhere. There were huge mirrors, and an array of brushes hanging off of each one of them.

"Woah," I said. She looked at me and smiled.

"I know right!" She said, and then dragged me into the room.

She sat me down at the chair and showed me pictures of what all she has done.

"Wow Abby, you're really good at makeup," I said, admiring her artistic ability.

It reminded me of when I was with Jorge

And when his soft lips were on mine

Just like earlier.

I shook my head

"I want you to pick a look out for me to do" she said, and handed me a few sketches she had of ideas.

"Ooh! This one is cool!" I said, pointing to one with cherrys all over her face.

She smiled and took the sketch from me, and started doing her makeup.

"When did you start doing makeup?"

"Oh ever since I was little, but I didn't start doing it artistically until about two years ago," she said, putting liquid lipstick all over her face to create the cherries.

"Wow, I'm not good at anything," I said.

"I'm sure that's not true. What are some of your interests?" She asked, creating the stems of the cherrys now.

"I like sports, I'm not all that good at it though," I said, shrugging and going through the rest of her sketches.

"Yes you are! I've seen you play at the sports center, you're one of the best people out there!" She said, looking at me as her makeup was now complete.

"Eh, it's not really what I wanna do though," i said. She took the sketch book out of my hand and I looked at her.

"Benji, there's got to be something you like," she said, gesturing with her hand.

"I don't know, I haven't really tried anything else," i said.

And then she looked at me with an idea written smile.

"You should try makeup, here I'll help you and everything!" She said, excitedly.

I smiled
"Okay, that sounds fun!" I said.

"First you need to take your sweatshirt off though, you might get makeup on it," she said.

I nodded and pulled it off my body. And then her eyes went wide.

"What?" I questioned, and then looked at the mirror in front of me to see my neck littered with hickeys.

My eyes went wide, and my hand flew up to cover the marks.

She looked at me , and disappointed look on her face.

"Uhm, I think I'm going to go." I said, and got up, running to the elevator .

Summer camp • BoyxboyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ