037: let's hope

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thirty seven

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thirty seven . . . let's hope
( march 5, 2150 — arkadia )

          "WE'VE BEEN AT this for two days

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          "WE'VE BEEN AT this for two days. There must be something we're not thinking of." Bellamy's words, followed by a loud clap of thunder, had Cullen turning away from the window, where she watched a thunderstorm release itself onto the Earth around Arkadia. "What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?"

"I told you, the meltdown started months ago. There's no magic button to turn them off. Today this isn't black rain, but it will be soon." Answered Raven, Cullen's eyes returning to the droplets of water that ran rhythmically down the window. "That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough to hold all five hundred of us."

Black rain. Essentially acidic droplets falling from the sky and burning the skin and flesh from humans upon contact; according to Clarke, that was the first step towards Praimfaya. It was their way of knowing the radiation that would kill them all was just around the corner — kill everyone but Cullen, that is. Her revelation that she could survive Praimfaya was becoming less and less like a victory, and more of a daunting fact that she may be alone on Earth if they don't find a way for everybody to survive.

"This isn't just about saving us. I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone." Clarke cut in, walking into the middle of the room.

Cullen sighed, turning back to the group with her arms crossed. "You shouldn't make promises you don't know if we can keep, Clarke."

"That's why we need to tell everyone. Crowd source it. If there's another Mount Weather out there, the Grounders will know about it." Said Raven.

"What I'd do to be there." Cullen muttered, and shrugged defensively when Bellamy sent her an impatient look from across the room.

Like Bellamy had said, they had been talking about the same resolutions for two days now. After returning to Arkadia, everyone was given the rest they deserved, but now it was 'saving the world' mode, and Cullen, as well as everyone else, was just as tired as before. Finding a way for them all to survive Praimfaya was turning out to be difficult, considering nothing could sustain five hundred sky people and however many Grounders there were. They only had six months, and that short amount of time only seemed to put more pressure on the five people in that room, searching for a way of survival.

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