9. Dance of Death

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"Whew!" I'm drenched with sweat again. Why does this happen every night? I can't even remember what I dreamed about. Whatever!

'Shit!' What's the time?! The sun is already rising up! My friends will be here in half an hour! Faster, Brazen! I quickly took a bath and wore some clothes. Gladly my things were already prepared in advance so it saved me some time and I was ready when they came.

"What a gorgeous lady!" My friends arrived and drove out of town for the vacation. Hmm, we didn't go overseas unlike what some of us have planned. We rather chose an adventure in an infamous mountain which is a two days drive. Our stay in that creepy old mansion that was referred to was three days.

Three days in a secluded area which they described as a sanctuary. There will be signal and electricity but no neighbors or nearby houses. The place is all ours.

Two o'clock in the morning I heard something down the bedrooms. My companions are all asleep so I walked down the stairs and proceeded to the tool shed. The door was left open and it kept banging because of the strong wind.


Another sound was heard which was coming from the chimes of the entrance of the house. My heart beats fast, I'm breathlessly turned cold.

While walking back to the house I saw shadows watching me. I came closer to them asking everyone. "Sean, is that you?" I asked but one of them grabbed and looked at me while chuckling monstrously. I pushed him away and ran immediately. One of them grasped my back and the other came near to attack with a knife shone by the moonlight.


I was terrified that I quickly dodged the strike and the one holding me was injured instead. I was released and I ran to the house and locked it.

*pah pah pah*

"Brazen? What's going on?" My friends were surprised when I woke them up while shushing them.

"Escape quickly after I drive them away. I'll go to the forest and you all ride in the car and call for help. Don't make any noises. I don't want them to know that I have company." They worriedly agreed and did as I planned.

I ran through the forest without direction. The night's dark as ink, no illumination. Their flashlight turned on and I lure them further and deeper into the woods. I got lost, nowhere to go. I heard the faint noise of our car and I know I succeeded with the plan.

Hold on, how about me?! Gosh! I was stupid! I don't even have anything with me! My phone, shit, I forgot my phone! It's mixed with Asher's things!

Hmm, it seems I lost the men. I'm finally safe. Phew! But not safe in this strange place. Who knows if a snake or wild animals will kill me.


I saw a smoke from far away My feet took steps following the direction of the faint cloud of smoke

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I saw a smoke from far away My feet took steps following the direction of the faint cloud of smoke. Does it mean that someone is living in here?

The darkness seems like it's hiding something! Oh, I see I was close to a hut, someone's screaming! I got curious so I went closer. The hut has some gaps through the walls that I can peep what's inside. Hmm, an old man lives here and-

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