11. Young Fool

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I drove away far from the place and marked the map on the places that I reached. Though I'm on the track with the highest hopes of going home, I still feel my world is still lost. My business is doing great yet I still feel that something is missing. I still feel like going home won't solve anything. Why do I feel empty?

With my sisters in charge of my business I don't need to rush and maybe this is the shot that I'm waiting for, the break for me to explore what is still missing in my life. Should I call them when I reach another stop?

'No, they'll just rush you to go home.'

Okay, that's it. Just get back on the road. Hey, I nearly forgot that I don't even have anything with me. Not even some cash except for the packed snacks and few pocket money from Placid. I refused to accept more from what he's giving so I only took a quarter amount. How will I be able to survive with this so-called self realization break? I won't be able to make it!

Nah! Alright! I'll go home!

When I reached another dirt road the engine stopped. I am totally fucked up! The car given to me that I argued to choose is just an old wrecked car that couldn't last long. There's no other way but to wait until someone will pass by on this isolated looking road.

'Argh, why is this happening to me?' Thank you, anyway for giving me another chance to live. Though it wasn't easy but I should always rely on you, God.

An hour later a sports utility vehicle with seven people in my age gave me a hop. They noticed that I brought a map with me and they didn't even have theirs so they invited me to join their nowhere trip. Thinking it would be a great return for them, I joined them and had an arrangement. We reached the town safe at dawn and immediately booked for accommodation.

The town of Fantasia is like a Texan style where they love country music, dry uncemented dusty roads and a picture of a less technological area where they're all in the old style. All of my companions were amazed with it and shot images with their cameras.

 All of my companions were amazed with it and shot images with their cameras

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"So, how about we have some private conversation. I noticed that you're not worried of being lost with us." Raucous whispered while everyone was busy. This guy has been watching me since the time I joined them. He keeps his eyes on me and would sometimes ask if I have a boyfriend. He looks like an evil hot guy matching his dark brown hair, dark striking brown eyes and black outfit.

"I think there's nothing to talk about. Well-" I was about to explain when everyone became noisy which distracted me. "Alright, you win."

After the short tour we went to the inn with the beers and food they have in the van. They continued sharing thoughts and discussing their experiences while I just listened to them. It wasn't that difficult to get along because they're kind and sociable. Still, Raucous sticks with me like a glue.

After hours of fun playing spin the bottle I decided to take some air and went outside of the inn.

"Shall we discuss now?" I nearly jumped on my spot when suddenly Raucous spoke and I nearly forgot that he's still sticking around that I cannot be alone.

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