10. Deadly Ghoul

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'What's going on?'

My eyes opened, people gathered around. I saw myself lying on the soft grassy ground. I'm still alive!

They stood me up with concern. When I looked around, well the train was already gone and I wouldn't be able to go home. 'Shit!'

"The man chasing you a while ago was arrested. By the way, who are you? Why are you here?" They started to ask questions and my head started to ache. Thankfully Placid came to save me.

His truck's found near the cliff. We rode in his car toward his home but I was still worried and felt gruesome.

It's dusk when we reached the house. "Take a rest and I'll cook for dinner." He agreed and he sat on the couch with a notebook and a pen. Maybe he's doing some business staff like I do. I grinned and went to the kitchen.

 I grinned and went to the kitchen

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"Mmm, you cook great. How about you apply as my wife and stay with me." He cheerfully praises me but the following words aren't funny.

"Shut up. I appreciate the offer but that kind of arrangement isn't good for me." I fix the table and start to wash it. "Don't you ever joke about marriage because I am sensitive when it comes to that."

"Why? What's wrong with that? I'm not joking, you fool." He chuckles and joins me in washing. "Okay, I understand. You girls like to feel the love first before you accept the marriage, am I right?"

My hands stopped as I glanced at him. "You're right but that's not all." I released a deep breath and continued washing the plates.

"What is it? I want to know more." He kindly gave me a towel and we wiped our hands while leaning our backs on the sink.

"Marriage is about being prepared for all the consequences. It's an agreement between two people who like business. Being a responsible and cooperating person with care and passion for each other. That's what marriage is. It's not just loyalty and faithfulness that will keep the bond but also respect and patience." Urgh, since when did I know about that thing? Where did those words come from?

When I looked at Placid he's already grinning at me while nodding. I was surprised which of my words seems funny to him. Or is he making fun of me?

"Placid?" My eyebrows furrowed and he suddenly pulled me towards him and he lowered down reaching my lips. It was sweet and gentle which arouses my innermost warmth. I never felt this for a long time.

 I never felt this for a long time

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"I like you, Brazen. I really do." He leads me to the living room with out disconnecting our lips. I was frozen and I don't know what to do. My mind is fighting over my head. I was feeling dizzy. My hand slowly moves trying to stop him when he laid me on the couch. "I'm sorry." He suddenly stopped and sits down combing his hair with his hand.

"It's okay." I surprisingly replied. 'What the heck are you saying?! My head screamed. Well, why don't we give it a chance? He's a stranger but still a nice and kind loving man. My body moved closer to him and pushed him down riding on his waist. I leaned and kissed his sweet supple lips. Our hands hold as we follow each other's lips with adoration.

"Mmm!" Suddenly his hands gripped with mine and his mouth turned stiff. I pulled away to look at him but I was terrified at the scene. He can hardly move and perspires much violently shaking on the couch.

"Placid, what's happening?! I screamed and thought of what to do. "Do you have medications?" I asked while I looked around for medicines. "Huh!" I saw a shadow outside the door coming towards us so I quickly headed to it to see who it was.


It was the old witch looking man! I quickly shut the door but I was too late! With all my might I slammed my body to it and locked before grabbing a knife to attack him. That man, he was the one in that tiny hut and also the one who stole Placid's truck? How did he get out of jail?! I'm already fed up with this henpeck.

"Kyah!" I opened the door to confront him. He has a knife too so I avoided his hit while I gave a strike in return. I ducked and slash to his belly with dashing movements until I reached his neck.

"Hihihi!" Instead of a cry of pain he laughed insulting my skills! Stupid! His clothes were loose so I wasn't able to reach enough of his skin, especially the vital parts! I attacked again but I felt my movements going in slow motion. When I saw him properly I realized he's not an ordinary person. 'He's a witch!'

I felt fatigue, my energy left me. I won't give up so I gave a round house and a push kick. He fell outside of the room with a swift. I followed and tried to slit his neck but the knife seemed to become dull so I shut the door but he's still strong. I shout for help for someone to come."Help!"

The banging on the door stopped and silence was heard. Finally, I took a deep breath and locked it immediately but my eyes blurred. The neighbors came and forced the door. They helped Placid while I went unconscious.

 They helped Placid while I went unconscious

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He woke me and they gave me a hot tea. "We're his family by the way. Since his parents died we never forget to ask him how he's doing." A group of five elders and three teenagers are with us until morning. It's time for me to tell them goodbye.

Placid wanted to lend me his car but I refused not until they offered me an old one. "Thank you. If only I could give something in return. I promise one day I will repay you."

"Brazen, there's no need to pay us. We just want to help. All we want is a peaceful life. Here, take this so you'll be safe as always." The closest of his family gave me a charm, a beautiful amulet made of strange dried roots as lace and a strange shape of green gem. They hugged me and I faced Placid for a last embrace and last kiss on his cheek and my forehead.

"Maybe we're not meant for each other after all. Just always remember that I am here ready to help you whenever you need me." He tucked the hairs in between my ears and I drove away following the map.

I had many questions, unanswered. Why did this happen in such a crazy way? Even that crazy man, I feel like my life is falling apart.

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