11 | Repercussions

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Silence filled the living room as the sun set against the mountainous backdrop outside the windows. Miesha was upstairs asleep, whilst Adrienne, Neve and I stared at the floor, completely dumbfounded by what had transpired.

"Well, fuck. Now what?"

Neve chuckled, downing her shot of whiskey as she shook her head, "Her wolf is one strong motherfucker, I'll give her that. All seriousness aside, you have to admit, that was fucking impressive..."

"You've got one badass Luna in there waiting to rip out Gabriel... " Her glass vibrating as it hit the coffee table. She leaned back against the leather couch, crossing her legs as she smirked, unperturbed by the turn of events.

I eyed her curiously, "You fucking wanted this, didn't you?"

"Look, Gabe, cool your jets. I didn't turn back when I sensed you near us, true... I thought Miesha might feel your presence as her mate, I didn't expect that it was her wolf who'd come out to play. None of us sensed it in her since she's been here."

I took a deep breath in, my head hanging low as I swirled my drink around in my hand, "She is an Alpha, her wolf is unpredictable."

"Sounds familiar...."

I rolled my eyes at her insinuation.

Adrienne, attempting to soothe the tension in room, "It's fine. Her wolf might be strong, but it was Miesha who held her at bay for as long as she did. Her own strength shouldn't be underestimated... Gabriel, you know as well as anyone how difficult it is to keep your wolf under control when he is overcome with emotion..."

Musing on her words, we each got lost in our own thoughts. My mate was fucking savage, and it would be remiss to deny that I fucking loved her for it. I shook away the thought.

Whilst Neve was amused and, quite frankly proud of Miesha's wolf, I did have concerns at the fact she was, well, out of fucking control. If she had the chance to shift, she would kill Miesha, and fuck knows who else in the process.

"I will make some more of the tincture, Miesha can take it if she chooses..."

"Sounds good Adrienne, I will call Catherine as well, just to let her know. She can pass on any concerns if she has them."

Leaving the day behind us, we each took our leave upstairs.

"Thank you both. I mean it. Let's hope tomorrow is a little less.... productive."


Kicking my clothes off, I turned on the shower, waiting for the water to warm before stepping in. I could smell Miesha next door and her scent was driving me wild. I turned, letting the water pelt my back as I leaned against the pane of glass before me.

The vision of her standing in the grove... her dress floating against the breeze. The sunlight illuminating her face like feather strokes... I was as high as a fucking kite.

She was complicated... her strength was cloaked in softness... A gentle soul that harboured the wild within. She was the wilderness... My wilderness.

**sexual content below**

Running my fingers through her hair, it rolled like waves down her shoulders, lacing over her breasts before settling along the sides of her taut stomach.

I edged slowly against her. Inhaling deeply, I buried my head in the crook of her neck...Feeling her pulse quicken and breasts heave against me... I kissed her gently, right where I knew I'd mark her one day, should she have me.

Her hand grazed my chin, turning me to face her directly before kissing me with urgency, her lips quivering with need. Our eyes locked. I took her lead.

My breath hitched as I felt her hand wrap around me tightly. There was no softness in her movements. She had me where she wanted me and I was at the mercy of her desires. I grabbed her ass, kneading it in my grip as she stroked me, eyeing me for my reaction. I couldn't stifle my moan as I held her against me. I was a fucking kitten. The irony.



Tracing the length of me with her fingertips, she knew I needed release. I felt her smirk against my lips, knowing full well the effect she had on me. Tease. After moments of leaving me hanging on a knife edge, she tightened her fingers at the base of my pent up desire as I towered over her against the wall.


Waves upon waves swept over me as I softened my grip on the back of her neck. I almost mewed, my wolf humming in unison from the peak of our fulfillment.

I littered the top of her hair with soft pecks as she buried herself against my chest... Her fingers stroking my back delicately as my body washed to shore, sending aftershocks pulsing through my skin.

Forcing myself back to impending reality, I turned the shower off before stepping out and drying myself off. Christ. Almighty.

I walked over to the window, sharing my secret to the moon, seeking absolution... seeking something... anything. I felt guilty fantasizing over her given what she'd been through. Was it wrong of me? Or was it just a basic need I had to fulfill?

I needed clarity on so many things, but first I needed sleep. I couldn't think anymore. Turning from the moon, I crashed atop my bed, allowing the night to softly sing her lullaby...

Everything would have to wait until tomorrow...

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