40 | Afterglow

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Watching the obsidian stones in her necklace flicker against her chest, I took my time breathing her in.

My words were soft, breaking by the sight of her beauty, "How can I not... be moved by you Miesha?"

She undid me.

She left me wordless.

Her dismissive huff was so her. The way blush rose to her cheeks. The way her doe eyes sparkled from under the wisps of her lashes.

She would never not draw me in.

The softness of her fingertips foiled into mine as she took my hand, leading her into the pack house.

Stopping before the door, I wanted to drink her in. Pulling her chin to mine, I nuzzled her neck, weaving my fingers through her tresses in a final embrace before we entered.

This would be the first time we would greet our pack as one. A feast for new beginnings.

Quiet descended over the room as I opened the door.

Turning to check she was okay, she softened in the tender light. A slight smile speaking her comfort as she stood at my side.

Holding her head high, her feet swept the timber floor as she moved in wordless grace.

Letting our fingertips unravel, she made her way through the crowd, embracing every female in the room. As their Luna, she brought them comfort and security. She was as much their Alpha as I was, and the sight of it made my wolf purr with the deepest of satisfaction.

Approaching me, Adrienne and Neve had pride written on their faces like an open book as we watched Miesha together.

Smirking, Neve playfully elbowed my side as we watched our Luna interact with her pack.

Clinking her beer with mine, Neve was just as proud as I. "Well shit Gabe... Who'd have thought, eh?"

Taking a swig, I nodded.

"I owe everything to you both... "

And I meant it. If it weren't for them... well, I shook myself from the thought.

Adrienne's warmth and kindness soothed my thoughts, "We are pack Gabriel. We are family."

I smiled at them both, "Yes, yes we are."

After her exchanges of pleasantries, Miesha came back over, gliding her arm around my back as the four of us watched the scene unfold.

The room was filled with love. The mood an electric haze of familial content.

It was time.

"If I could have your attention please."

The hall slowed to a still as the pack moved to stand before me, Neve gently stepping away from my left side as Miesha stayed on my right.

"No Neve. Stay."

I could smell her confusion as my words hit her via mind-link, but she moved back, her shuffles tentative as she did so.

"I wanted to start by thanking you all for your efforts over the past many, many months."

Nods of acknowledgement rippled the crowd, "And I want to thank Alpha Greyson, Luna Isobel and the rest of the Sandstone pack who, without them, we would not all be where we are today."

Applause filled the air as I locked eyes with Greyson in the crowd, before I mouthed a thank you out to him.

Waiting, the room dulled to silence.

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