26 | Ascend

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My nerves were heightened, my eyes tracking the fields in wait. The way the sun struggled to break through the clouds muted the earth, a feeling of foreboding stirring from within. Gabriel and James had been gone for the better part of the day, and although Neve and I were expecting their return within the few hours before night fall, I was not settled.

Neve sensed my discontent.

"Something is wrong. It is too.... quiet."

I awaited her response. A sharp nod. Recognition was clear as our eyes spilled our predictions without words. Leaning into her mate, Adrienne twisted the ring on her index finger, her face etched with worry.

"I agree. I think we should alert the others."

This time I nod, but state the obvious in the hope that perhaps... perhaps I would be wrong. "Do we have a way to contact Gabriel?"

"No, because you never let him mark us..."

She is pissed, circling in impatience from deep within.

Again. Silence.


Holding my breath, we leave it unsaid... but I know what they are both thinking. If something happens, this is my fault.


Now was not the time for I told you so.

"I'm tracking the border to the North- it's our largest opening. Neve, you gather the rest and secure the other boundaries. Adrienne, the frail and young go to the pack house."

My wolf bustles in pride. Her strength brewing beneath the skin as she stretches her muscles in anticipation. Unblinking. Unnerved.

They notice this, her reflection flickering through like a kaleidoscope of colors before them.

"You got it Miesha."

My reaction is automated. I too, am but a bystander as I relinquish my trust to her. She has not let me down yet. How far we have come.

Tying the laces of my boots, I loosely throw my hair into a bun before jumping down the front steps.

Bring it.


The cicadas hum as the reeds carry whispers of unfolding dissension. Ribbons of red lash the sky and the sun begins her terrible descent away from the upcoming night time narrative.

But I will not shy away with her. Not this time.

Tilting my head back, the scent of sweat filters through. They are near. Four distinct aromas. Males. Wolf skinned. They feel... prideful. They know am I alone. Boasting in their wild carelessness, I can feel it sweeping over the hills willing me to run and hide but I will not bend...

Come to me.

Feeling her pace within, I hold her back. Back and forth... back and forth...

But not yet...

Signalling the start of the battle, an owl calls... ears and eyes twitch from the pines to witness she who demands their attention. Do not forget who I am.

The clouds above move in, closer and closer as if bringing them to me. Nature's gift.

But not yet...

Is this my redemption from the moon? It is as if she is tantalizing my wilderness with a taste of our destiny. Igniting her hunger. My hunger. My thirst. And we will relish it.

But not yet...

The ground shakes as I feel the thunder of their tread. My eyes hone into the deep, a howl quaking the skies as I invite them to me.




Crashes tear through the trees as they bite through the thicket. I snarl, arms wide open as I welcome them to me. It is time to unleash. And.... Go.

Ripping through with vengeance, my wolf savages through in impatient need, claws scrambling in defiance as she lurches forward onto the largest prey.

Losing my sight, I succumb to the female she is. Raw. Unashamed. Free. She is out for blood. She is out for his blood, but these, these will give her fill for tonight. Carnage ensues as she throws him down. Climbing atop, her jaw shakes with such savagery that it is blinding as blood spatters from her jaw, bones cracking as he flops and furls into the dirt beneath us.

The bravery that was in the air dissipates as I feel them retreat, but one decides against. Her paws grip the soil, unflinching. Come then... boy.

I feel an audience gathering. My pack. My people. And him, my one true mate. Gabriel. I send him a smile that I know he sees. My heart implodes as I feel his pride. In human form he watches, captivated... giving me what I need. Watching my birth. I will give him a display that shows him who he will mate tonight. I am ready. My sight holds him captive, each move a sensual dance with death, raw in my passion. Our arousal fills the air for all to taste but it only fuels her blood lust further.

The moon rises high, round and full of pride at her child as my wolf clamps down... Canines grating through the flesh, metallic paint fills my mouth, overflowing as it coats her fur red. A sanguine goddess howling at the moon, a crimson gown dripping from her shoulders in uninhibited glory.

She signals the other two to leave, tell him who I am now. I dare him to come. I want him to come.

And as quickly as they came, they leave.

Turning to my moon, my Gabriel... she saunters. The nods of submission from the pack not going unnoticed. His palm open and extended is too tempting as she licks it lovingly, nudging him for a head rub before saying goodnight.

I shift, clothing myself in the dress he had brought along for me to do so.

Leaning into him I cry. And cry. And cry. Not because I am sad... but because I feel free. His arms embrace me, a silent knowing of my need to purge myself of pent up pain. For the first time I feel what it means to be me. I have finally found myself and I love her. I love me. I love who I have become and I love him. This is my rebirth. I have finally found my way home.

24 chapters in and you have all finally met Miesha

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24 chapters in and you have all finally met Miesha... <3

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