57 | the mistake

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Amanda's point of view

I was the first one to wake up, as usual. Only the third alarm was able to possibly wake her up, or sometimes my annoying person, when I was becoming impatient and just wanted to see those gorgeous eyes of hers.

But today I knew she needed the maximum amount of sleep according to how many yawns she released the other evening. So I silently waited for the minutes to pass by, appreciating every second of it by shamelessly admiring her natural beauty.

She looked so peaceful laying there next to me, her arm loosely wrapped around my hips and her lips slightly parted.

I couldn't get rid of this sheepish smile on my face whenever she was around.

The second alarm rang after five atrociously long minutes, that's when I turned into an impatient kiddo again. Hoping she wouldn't get mad at me I softly began to leave trails of kisses on the soft skin of her face. I then slowly made my way on her neck, feeling her body gradually come back to consciousness.

" Morning Belle." I happily greeted her, now going back to my favorite place.

Her eyes weren't even open that she was already kissing me back, gently pulling me closer.

"Hi babe." Her eyelids fluttered for a few seconds. I calmly let her adapt to the small amount of light in the room as we hadn't closed the curtains last night, allowing the soft sunlight to brush her face.

"That's the first day I wake up next to you in France." I added, not realizing how cheesy it sounded, and also not understanding why it seemed so important to me. I mean, everyday waking up with her was a blessing.
But we were far away from our homes today, and I didn't feel like anything was missing.

"Oh wow." She smiled, her eyes now fully opened staring back at me.

"Great you're not mad at me for waking you up. I badly wanted to kiss you." I said in a childish tone, giggling at my own behavior.
I clearly looked like a puppy waking up his mistress by licking her face, which was really disturbing. Ozzie always did that with Derek.

"You can do that every morning for the rest of our life to be honest. You're definitely softer than my alarm."

My mouth opened but no word left it. I knew she was joking and saying it just like that, but that weirdly resonated in my head. Along with those words she once said to me « I want you permanently in my life. »
What did that mean exactly? It was telling so many things and nothing at the same time.

"For the rest of our life huh? Are you intending on dating me for the next like seventy years?" I smirked, hovering her body and resting on my elbows.

"I won't live that long you know. Let me remind you I'm-" She began, only to be cut off by my fingers resting on her bouncy lips.

"That doesn't answer my question Miss Anderson." Her last name was something I now often use, always earning this roll of eye characteristic of her. This time I didn't receive it though. She remained perfectly quiet for the following second.

I hadn't realized my fingers were still laying there until she pressed her lips against them, now giving me this look I craved for, sending chills all over my body.

"Well... are you?" She questioned, cleverly dodging the subject by throwing me my question back.

"I'm not sharing you with anyone, so I guess yeah. But you'll get tired of being woken up like that long before that."

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