Chapter 35

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The old dark church wasn't empty. The smell of blood and the whimpering children greeted me when I entered the church.

I immediately have forgotten that I was cold. My blood drained at the sight of a dying child laying on the altar.

"Don't worry little one, you'll be next," the man behind me said and took my chocolate. He pushed me towards the side aisle. "Just wait for your turn."

The children were silently crying on the long bench, shaking from fear.

"Bring the next one!" The man I saw awhile ago ordered his men as he pulls the dead body and threw it on the side.

The children screamed when the dead child's head made a crack sound after hitting the wall. The body slumped above the two more lifeless bodies.

"Didn't I tell you not to scream?!" The children immediately covered their mouths.

I was the eighth child in the queue and will now be in the seventh.

"Plea-please spare me. My-my m-mom——" the child cried pleading as she was forced to lay on the altar. The child's word cut when the man plunges a dagger into her heart. "Uugh! I-It hurts. . Mommy save me. Please! I. . . I don't want to di—"

My stomach twisted at the scene unfolding before my eyes. Clenching my fists I cursed myself for being useless.

If only. . .

One by one they begged and one by one they died.

I closed my eyes tightly as the little boy who's about my age asked the broken statue of a goddess to avenge his and the other's death.

"Just shut up and die quietly will you?!"

I bit my lower lip that it starts bleeding.

The boy next to me covered my hand with his small thin hand. With little strength that he had he gripped my hand as if telling me that it will be alright even though he himself was scared.

The boy was covered in dirt all over his skin and boned body. He then looked at me with tears on his clear bluish-grey eyes and opened his mouth saying, "——"


The child was mute.

"Let go of me! Do you know what I am?! I'm a priestess, a noble priestess! I'm different from those dirty slum children!" The girl who claimed to be a priestess screamed as her tears continue to fall. "Release me and I'll bring plenty more lives to take."

The leader laughed like a madman. "Excellent!"

Relieved washed the priestess's face. "Re–really?"

"Of course! But. . . You're the main sacrifice. Be grateful oh noble priestess that you are the star, a key ingredient in summoning a demon. Then I can take every life whenever I want with my demon magic."

Abandoned Princess [Old version]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang