Chapter 97

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Elaine was not calm.

She was seething.

Why it have to be today? She snarled to herself and her body. A scowl adorning her usual impassive face.

It was the month of the visit and she's ready to have a bitchfit right here right now, for the second time. Elaine wasn't her usual collected and composed self but she didn't care. Emotionally unstable is what she was. She'd screamed like a banshee when they want her to wear a frilly white dress. A white dress in her time of the month.

Because of it she was pardon from being auction tonight but still she had to participate. Just sit pretty and let them look at you in hunger.

The soft dress that covered her body didn't lessen the cramps, irritation, and feverish flush she was experiencing.

She's already uncomfortable at it is, she could handle the lewd stares she getting, peering inside—those eyes tracing every curve of her body, eye-fucking her—but it's harder to ignore the things they say about her and how they want to do things to her.

If she's not in this stupid cage she would have punched them right in the face, even that person who stared at her in the distance. It wasn't a lustful stare but her skin still crawls from it, not in a bad way nor a good one. It's hard to explain. Elaine could tell that behind that black mask shaped like a cat—a panther, that the person was young, perhaps near her age or the same age as Aiden. She still flipped him off for staring.

Elaine was about to walk back to the swing when someone spoke that made her stop.

"Aw, don't be like that. But I don't mind sharing the night with a feisty girl like you."

"Do us a favor and lift your dress, baby bird. Let's see those legs of yours. I bet you're sexy without those clothes. So pure... and virgin. I cannot wait to win you when you're available, fuck you raw and stick my tongue in y—"

"Is it in yet?" Elaine shouted loud and clear, gaining more attention. Her body trembled in pure disgust and anger. She overlooked the worried gaze from Bwi who's also in the cage near hers.


She took a deep breath clenching her fists before turning back to them with a calm look. Head tilted innocently she asked again to whoever bastard that said those words. "Is it in yet?"

The said bastard stepped closer to the cage. "What do you mean, baby bird? Perhaps have you change your mind and want me to make you feel good—"

"Is that the question you get a lot? Is it in yet? Are they even aware that you're fucking them? No wonder you're here, ladies turned you down with that baby carrot down you have there." Elaine gave him an almost sympathetic smile if she wasn't looking down at him from the height of the birdcage hoisted above the ground.

"Why you!" The man tried to reach her but she quickly stepped back. "You bitch! I'll make sure you'll regret that! I will fuck you until your senseless and you'll shamelessly beg for more!"

Elaine snorted. "Fuck off."

"Now, now," Guss, that little shit, had finally stepped in. "Why don't you gentlemen take your seat, the auction will about the start. Shall we?"

They all left with short lingering looks like promising to bid on her next time. Instead of being displeased because of her crude demeanor, they seemed to want her more.

"Before we hoist you up so no one would bother you again, do you want anything?" Guss asked in a tone like she was some precious child of his. He probably noticed he'll make much more money because of her, that's why he's acting like this.

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