Chapter 60

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My hand held the knob tightly. I looked back at the altar where the goddess was floating.

"What were the foods you want me to make again?"

From where I stood I could see her eyes glow in excitement. I listened to her with a smile. A smile that doesn't reach my eyes. Overjoyed, Cianna didn't notice my forced smile.

"Roast chicken, a soup and a salad. Got it."

Before she could utter a word I was already out of the church. I heard her call as I walk to the Emerald Palace with an awful mood.

I spent the rest of my birthday locked inside my room with a hurting stomach.

I was too busy that I have forgotten about her. With additional lectures such as etiquette, piano, and more dancing. Then there's horse riding and archery. Girls who have useless to none magic like me tend to focus on becoming a proper ideal wife rather engaging graceless things. But his majesty, King Edmund, wanted me to learn to ride a horse and use a weapon.

"Dying without a fight is a disgrace."

I was also busy surviving and avoiding the wrath of the royalties who holds my very life.

My stomach lurched painfully trying to remember the story and the false accuses of the Abandoned Princess.

"Torment the heroine until it became a killing attempt. Killed the new queen, the heroine's mother. Plans to escape the palace estate without prior knowledge about the false accusations," I muttered them one by one.

Aside from those, how did the Abandoned Princess was labeled as the villain before everyone pointed their finger at her in the story? It was as if everyone assumed that she's the villainess even she haven't meet the heroine.

"Princess, you look so pale," Haisley worriedly said when she saw my distress state.

"I want to be alone, please," I begged. Anguish could be heard from my voice.

"I'll come back with your supper." With last worried look, Haisley left.

Anxiety kept me wide awake at night.

One thing about my birthday was that last year the king was gone the whole day disappearing somewhere and appearing the next day with ghastly complexion. And today was the same.

But when the clock struck 12 a soft knock came from my door as if the person didn't want to wake me up.

The door opened and my late-night visitor found me awake.

"Elaine? Why are you still awake?" Edmund asked as he crossed the room walking towards my bed.

My heart hammered down at my chest, face pale as a sheet. While fatigue was visible on his face. We both stared at each other in bleary.

"I heard from Lucas that you lock yourself here the whole day and refused to let them visit you. Your brother was extremely sad, he'd been waiting to celebrate your birthday. What happened?"

My relationship with this person, I could say it has progressed a bit. We're not close like Aiden but we talk from time to time. Sometime I could see the genuine concern in him like today even though his face and voice were neutral. There were times that I forgot that he's going to kill me in the future that I started having fun being with this awkward person.

But then, the heroine will get in the picture and the fragile relationship I had will break.

I was afraid. Afraid in a lot of things. Especially I was afraid that I'll come to love my father and ended up being betrayed. I always held myself back when I was with them and let my fear and anxiety ate me.

"I. . I'm just tired. What about you, father?"

He frowned. He really doesn't like it when I call him that.

"I'm also tired."

We both have secrets that made us like this; suffered, exasperated, and scared.

Edmund then sat on the bed and ordered. "Give me your hand."

With my hand held out towards him, he placed a cold object on my palm.

It was my ring. The holy item that I left at the holy land.

Why is this with Edmund?

"It was your mother's ring."

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