Chapter 58

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It's the spring of my 10th birthday. The vivid green leaves and bright cheerful colors of the flowers were a feast to my eyes.

I greeted the priestess upon entering the royal church, "Good morning, Sister Irene."

"You're early for your morning prayer as usual, Princess Elaine. And happy birthday."

Sister Irene was the one who saved me two years ago when I almost die. Priestesses like Irene were blessed with light magic, healing magic to be exact.

"Thank you. I could say the same thing to you, sister, practicing early in the morning."

I clasped my hands together and greeted the goddess statue as Irene starts singing. Her voice never stops to amaze me. Since Irene was gifted with the power of light, it's a tradition that whoever bares with light magic must become a priestess and offer her body and soul to the Goddess Cianna.

"It's a pity that you couldn't marry or have a family, sister," I said slightly slouching on the wooden bench.

Now that I think of it, aren't I and the other Holy Maidens have the same fate as the priestesses?

Irene sat beside me after the practice warm-up of her vocal chords. "Before we became priestess we were given two choices whether to live normally or continue to help the people."

"What happened if you choose to live normal?" I asked.

She looked at me as if she was having a hard time to tell the reason. "It-It's because the magic will be gone after. . .copulating," she said carefully choosing the right word while looking a bit embarrassed.

"Oh! You mean sex. So that what it is, huh," I said finally understanding why priestesses doesn't marry. Offering their body and soul to only the Goddess of Light.

"Ar–are you. . . Don't you feel ashamed?" Irene responded in horror.

"There's nothing to be ashamed though. Or do you want me to call it fucking?"

"Princess Elaine! How can you speak such blasphemous words!" Irene continued to be horrified by my sudden word and mumbled to herself, "How can a child know such word."

"I'm a born sinner, please forgive me," I said to Irene. "Should I cut my tongue because of my foul mouth?"

"Goodness no!"

Seeing Irene who's in her near end I stopped teasing her.

Irene released a sighed after realizing that I was messing up with her. She then excused herself and went to ring the big bell.

The royal church had become my sanctuary for the past two years. If only I could stay here. . .

Today was my birthday and today was the queen's 10th death anniversary. I pressed a hand to my throat. Eight more years.

With the sun continues to rise in the east, the ray of light shone from the window down to the altar making it feel more holy.

The gong of the bell rang across the royal estate indicating the start of a new day.

It was then I heard a voice coming from the empty altar.

"You still look weak, Elaine."

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