Chapter 41

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The voice reverberated around the small church. It may be small but it was the most beautiful in the capital of Luville Kingdom. Rows of large arc windows on both sides of the walls and walls painted in white that it made look spacious with few gold designs here and there. The ceiling was quite high and the altar looking more dazzling every time I look.

The sister stopped then starts singing again with her soulful voice. I didn't mind her practicing her vocal chords while I pray to the Goddess of Light. If you look at the atmosphere, it was as if the Goddess herself was ready to take me back.

With my intertwined hands and closed eyes, I questioned the Goddess again. Why was I here? Is this a punishment because I cuss too much? Or was it because I was not fit to be a holy maiden or was I too hardworking that she'd given me a vacation leave, a forced one.

I didn't felt anger toward her only I was confused. The Goddess was a weird one. She speaks of stories about another world called Earth where there were technologies and such. I have no idea what technology she speaks of but I didn't bother asking for she would explain it more complicatedly that I will never keep up. She also talks about books and games from Earth, most of it was about where a person that got transported inside the book or game.

She even wrote one.

And one of her characters had the same name as mine.

"It's your destiny."

That what she said. I was destined to be Princess Elaine, the Abandoned Princess, from the book she had created.

That character was bound to die in the end.

"Fuck destiny," I spoke out loud that the sister choked. She stared at me with wide eyes.

"I apologize, sister. I shall ask from the holy ones for forgiveness," I said as I closed my eyes once again.

When I was done praying I bid a goodbye to the sister who in return gave me a nod as she continues to sing.

According to the sister who I had a short conversation awhile ago, the church was originally built for the queen of the past who had a fragile body and now was used by the royal family if they didn't want to pray in public.

It's been a day after I woke up from deep slumber. Four months to be exact.

I could say that nothing had changed within me, I couldn't feel any magic at all. I was still a weak mortal being.

But I survived and alive. Barely looking alive though. . .

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