Chapter 94

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The weather was not horrible in the middle of summer, Elaine almost enjoyed the setting of the sun between the scattered of orange and red painted clouds.

It was almost alright for a day, almost acceptable if it's not after she entered at a tavern where it was instructed to be the place of the meetup. Bwi, the white-haired young servant of the princess, walked close behind her not letting his guard down, looking around with cautious blueish grey eyes.

"You should have stayed in the carriage, Elaine," Irene, the priestess, spoke quietly.

The silver-haired princess glanced around in disinterest under her hood. No heads were turned towards the new arrival of travelers continuing to mind their own business. Her skin pricked uncomfortably from the environment she's not familiar with. It was noisy and crowded. The scent of ale was mixed with sweat and an undistinguished odor. A vomit perhaps or someone pissed themself, she's not sure but she doesn't want to find out.

"And leave you alone here?" She mumbled as she follows Irene at the very back of the tavern where a woman was waving at her in excitement.

"Priestess Irene, I'm so glad you came. Who are these two?" The woman leaned forward trying to pry beneath the hood.

Elaine's cyan eyes narrowed suspiciously at the person invading her personal space. "None of your business, lady."

Irene gave her a disapproving look while the woman smiled wider from the blatant reply, unbothered at all.

"Sister Shane, why did you call for me? I thought you didn't want anything to do with the church."

"Come sit with us first." Shane gestured to the table and introduced her companion. "I brought someone with me if you don't mind. This is Sir Guss."

"It's nice to meet such lovely priestess," the small chubby man smiled bowing. "I would like to kiss your hand but I don't want to dirty your skin from someone like me."

Elaine couldn't help but scoffed as she sits on the chair across from the two strangers. What's this piglet on about? Seated on her left Bwi became more guarded. She just wished that Irene would hurry and wrap it up. The faster the better. Of course, she couldn't say that, after all, Elaine had volunteered—more like forced herself—to tag along with the priestess even if she's not done packing her things.

The years never were been uneventful but Elaine was happy, lesser anxious, lesser frightened of her future. She's happy with the family she chose to stay with and enjoy how their relationship awkwardly develops. The first few months felt like Edmund was walking on eggshells, cautious and nervous that Elaine found it funny. With them trying their best to fill the holes of their broken household, their endeavor made it happen but it wasn't perfect as it seems and she's fine with that. Having two additional people, the time with Elaine's father was divided since Magnolia is still Edmund's child. Edmund was somehow aware that she didn't want to mingle with the mother and daughter that he never forces her to interact with them which she was grateful for.

Three years were enough for both Edmund and Aiden to let Elaine attend a finishing school for priestesses where Irene went before becoming what she's now. Since they're mending their broken family Elaine didn't need to leave and become a priestess. It was more for the sake of her magic.

However, two years of priestesshood brought back her bad habits as she reminisces of her potty-mouth Holy Maiden days. Elaine became quite the trouble maker. Vulgar words slipped out of her mouth like a prayer. Because of that, they stop trying to make her change her mind about becoming one of them, the way towards priestesshood. That's why she made herself that way, not the obedient quiet students like the rest around her. Hiding her identity as the daughter of the king, the headmaster made her punishment harder every time she skips a few of her classes especially when those bishops and that archbishop who sometimes visits the school eying them like fresh meats and the mandatory prayer service. It's either break some rules than punching someone right on their throat.

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