Chapter 55

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"If you're going to Bwi, he's at the cemetery," Aiden said the moment I stepped out of the Moon Palace. "He'll be back soon."

"Bwi? The boy's name is Bwi?" What an unusual name.

The prince nodded looking at me with a proud smile. "Yeah, I named him that. It's quite cute, perfect for him."

It sounds like he just named a pet. . .

First, his tongue was cut off and now he didn't have a name. I couldn't imagine what kind of life the boy had. He was younger than me, a year or two.

"Why is he in the cemetery?"

"Visiting his father's grave," he replied. His casual tone made me feel at ease.

"Oh, I see. Let's take a walk then." I have plenty of time to spend while I wait for Bwi and it's been long since Aiden and I chat together. Hand in hand we went to the garden that was just ahead of us. "Hold on a minute! What do you mean grave?!"

"Well, a lot of things happened yesterday. After one of your escorts reported what happened when you went to the orphanage, that perverted man was brought to the room," he said as we enter the garden.

The perverted one should be me. I was the one who grabbed that small thing of his. Of course, I didn't hold it because I want to but it was the only thing I could defend myself and it was right on my face.

"Room? What room?" I didn't like the sound of that room.

"The torture room, of course."

I slightly frown. "Uh. . Where were you yesterday?"

"You're looking for me yesterday?" He was now holding both of my hands looking regretful. "I'm sorry I didn't go see you right away. I was with father and Lucas in the room."

I understand why the latter two were at the torture room but for a child to watch someone getting torture.

Don't tell me he was taking notes on how to properly torture so in the future. . . No, no. My relationship with my brother was getting good. Let's not think that he'll torture me someday.

"And Bwi was with me." When Aiden saw my horrified look he continued, "He said he wanted to see his father. I guess for a kid who was forced to watch his mother being killed by that man, he'll do anything to see him suffer."

A dreadful air hung between us while we stroll around the garden.

Even though we both live in constant fear I wasn't neglected when it comes to my needs. I should be more grateful at what I have. . .

"I'm glad that man was dead."

"His death was already set when he harassed you," Aiden said looking pissed.

Setting what the man did to his family aside. . .When did I become the victim of this harassment?

"I think it's the way around."

"Why are you defending that dirty man? He violated your hand!"

Oy! Why are you looking at my hand with such a disgust look?!

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