Chapter 89

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A sneak peek inside the
King's thoughts.

"Your daughter also sneaked out after she told us that she wanted to rest. We were surprised when she arrived with a man, both were shivering in cold from being drenched in the rain. She—"

"The princess brought a man to my house?! Did you ask what happened? How long was the princess was gone? Were they holding hands? What else did the princess say?" Lucas interrupted his sister-in-law bombarding her with questions.

"Slow down, Lucas. No, I didn't ask her highness she looked so tired and her health is much important at that moment." Out of the questions she decided to answer the last one.

I nodded in approval, she did the right thing.

"Your majesty, lately it became popular that girls fall quickly after this certain romance book was published. But we shouldn't think that Princess Elaine had already fallen for this man."

"I wasn't! It didn't even cross my mind until you said it," I glowered at Lucas.

Elaine was still young to be in love. And this person was a man, not a boy nor a young man for her to fall in love with. But what if. . . What if—

"Who is this man? Is he a noble? Where is he?" I asked trying to keep my hand away from my sword.

Stupid romance books putting frivolous things to a child's mind and influencing idiotically to be like the protagonist.

Lucas's sister-in-law looked at us with wide eyes then she smiled.

"I apologize, my king, I didn't also question the man. He's now sleeping in one of the guest rooms. Perhaps you should ask the princess first."

And that's what we did. Right after she suggested.

"You've got a kiss mark on your neck. Who's the lucky lady?" Elaine questioned, eyes looking at me in interest with a glow of playfulness in it.

It wasn't the thing I wanted to hear.

"It's is not what you're thinking," I stated stoically. Somehow it felt like what a man who got caught cheating would say. "You shouldn't concern yourself furthermore, Elaine. It's nothing, I assure you."

It really did sound like one.

Damn that Lucas for not informing me about the kiss mark. He was there when Azalea suddenly jumped on me like an animal on heat asking to be fucked and he was with me all this time that he must have noticed it. I was too busy trying to push Azalea away from me as gentle as I can possibly be and at the same time stopping her from stripping herself from the public.

I deepened my frown at Elaine.

This is not why I am here. I need to know what the man is to my daughter.

Should I start planning Elaine's future, find someone to be her exceptional husband who's worthy to stand by her side and protect her, incase I disapprove of their whatever relationship was?

But who to choose? Most of the boys near her age were pompous little shits. I better ask Mykel to make a list of prospects.

"Your majesty?"

I turned to look at the hallway.

"I would like to apologize again for my rough decision by joining them, putting the Crown Prince and second princess in danger, rather than stop them and for losing your trust. I will atone for my mistake whatever it takes just to redeem the trust that I had lost," the child said standing ten feet away from me as he puts the blame all to himself.

He didn't justify his action that he was right but he didn't regret it. Crimson eyes stared without regrets but determination to regain my trust.

The boy was too harsh to himself. I know he's also blaming his own because Magnolia twisted her ankle just like how he blames himself for his family's death.

Aeduan Darrcel Lief, the only son of the deceased Duke and Duchess Lief. He's the same age as the prince and a loyal friend to Aiden. He was known for being a prodigy, not only he's a multi-magic user but also he was already considered a powerful individual that can beat an adult magic-user at a young age. According to the report I received, he's helping his uncle—who's temporarily overseeing the dukedom—and Aeduan excellently managed a portion of the work.

I glanced over to Elaine watching me with half-lidded eyes looking sleepy.

"Is the princess alright?" Aeduan asked. I furrowed my brow slightly at the handkerchief that he was reaching out towards me while closing the distance. "I didn't mean to pry, your majesty, but I overheard the princess."

His eyes traveled to my neck then over to the opened room.

I hastily closed the door and took his the offered handkerchief, nonchalantly thanking him. In return, he shoots me a questioning look.

"My daughter is fine, thank you for being concerned. She's not quite presentable at the moment if you're considering meeting her now."

"Ah, no, my intention is to see you, your grace. I can wait to gaze upon the princess and introduce myself if given a chance." A troubled smile form on the child's smile.

He's pertaining to Aiden.

"Very well. Follow me, Aeduan," I said and led my first candidate away from Elaine's room as I wipe harshly removing the mark on my neck. "I want to know more about you and after let's talk about your future."

There was another candidate I could think of. Carsien Rhett Bismarck. But the twelve years old boy was so alike to Lucas that I couldn't help but feel unsettle. On the other hand, Carsien didn't have magic but he was a talented swordsman in training who can wield two swords. Aside from that, he was still just like that bastard Lucas. The Captain looked so proud when he came to my office telling me that his nephew's first crush was a boy dressed like a girl.

My thoughts wandered to Aiden. If Aiden finds out about this, he'll probably throw a tantrum. He's quite possessive with his sister that he tried not to let his friends meet Elaine.

I internally sighed. What do I do with my childish son?

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