Chapter 37

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Don't let go of each other's hands, especially today.

Aiden cursed under his breath. Elaine, his younger sister was gone. He didn't notice that he was no longer holding Elaine's hand upon encountering his maid and her daughter.

He knew that it wasn't by chance rather the mother and daughter were looking for them. Both the prince and the princess were wearing hooded cloaks, it would be hard to distinguish but easy to find if the person knew that they sneaked outside.

The cause why the maid was speaking illy and destroying the image of his sister was because she wanted her daughter to be close to him.

Arrogant fool.

"If harm has befallen to my sister. Prepare yourself, maid," said the prince coldly as the weather today. He didn't bother finding out if the maid went pale or start begging, he turned around and look for his sister.

The prince could hear the old woman's word about Elaine's destiny. He couldn't help but believe in those words because he was afraid.

Anger and fear collide within him. Angry with the maid but mostly furious towards himself. Frightened at the thought of loosing someone again. His body shivered, not because of the cold but the emotions that he couldn't control. Eyes started to moisten making it hard to see. He stumbled down falling to the soft snow with a thud.

"Elaine." A muffled cry as the prince calls his sister.

Aiden didn't know how long he stayed there but he knew the snow had buried him.

He was weak. He was just a child. He couldn't save his mother from dying. Now, he couldn't find his only sister.

How laughable the situation he was in. How laughable he was.

The golden prince that people look upon with wonders and admiration was just a weak boy who couldn't do anything for his family, only knows how to cry.

He heard someone running, the sound of crunching of snow was coming towards where he was, hidden under the pile of snow.

The person tripped hitting Aiden's head. Because of his body enhancement, it didn't hurt a bit.

"Are you alright, kid?" A man said as he approaches near Aiden was.

The kid then made a guttural sound as if he was trying to speak.

"What are you doing? Hurry and pick the boy up," the companion ordered who was quite far.

The prince knew these two.

"He was trying to say some—," Lucas paused. "That necklace, where did you get that? Ah. . It's okay. I won't take it away from you. You see, it's the same necklace that I gave to someone I know."

The boy was now making a sound in panic.

"Are you saying that you know this person and you want me to come with you?" Lucas said understanding the child noises.

That's one kind of talent he has, Aiden thought depressingly.

"Is this person this tall with silver hair, eyes of color cyan and a mole under her corner lips?" The boy made another sound as if he was agreeing after Lucas asked him.

Aiden wonders if the kid knew what color cyan was. Then he realized that Lucas just described Elaine.

"Kid!" Aiden shouted rising from his grave made of snow.

"Pi-prince?!" Lucas said in surprise.

"Aiden, what are you doing here?" The king asked as he approaches them. "Your eyes. Did you cry under the snow?"

"That doesn't matter, father! Elaine! Elaine's with me awhile ago but we got separated." Aiden turned towards the thin-looking boy who was still startled. "Where is my sister?!"

The boy then stepped back, afraid. He was clutching something on his hand over his chest. It was Elaine's necklace.

Before Aiden could demand an answer the boy pointed towards where he came from and ran. The boy looked back telling them to follow.

Without wasting a second thought, Aiden ran following the child. Lucas and his father were just a step behind.

They all arrived in front of an abandoned church.

He tried to not imagine things that might happen to Elaine inside the church but he heard a furious shout coming from inside.

"You little bitch!"

When Lucas quickly opened the door his heart stopped. It was worse than he'd imagined.

His body felt weak.

They all saw Elaine, the only princess, his only sister, standing on the center of the aisle with a knife on her chest. Blood coming out from her mouth.

Her cyan eyes met his golden ones.

And she was falling.

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