Chapter 56

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They say that music is a medicine for the heart and mind.

The basic sound from the person who was playing was more than a simple piece of music. Every press of the key and every space between the notes expresses his feelings without using a word.

Fingers stopped mid-air cutting the sound. Aware from my presence the muted boy looked at me in startled.

"I'm sorry, did I disturb you somehow?" I asked opening the door of the music room widely.

He shook his head in panic and stood from the chair before bowing deeply.

I couldn't help but formed a sad smile at the sight of this child. With a wretched heart, I crossed the room and embraced the boy.

After all he'd been through, his sound is. . . "Your sound is so full of feelings and kindness. Music really is just another language."

I could tell that he wants to be embraced a little longer when I pulled away stepping back. His forehead was slightly creased and lips pouting.

"Bwi," I spoke his name. The name really was cute but I wonder if it still suits him when he grows into a fine young man.

The muted child smiled brightly with an excited expression. I guess he liked his name. . .

"Who taught you how to play?"

He answered mouthing the words while making gestures.

"I'm sorry, could you do it again," I said raising my index finger.

Bwi did what I asked.

I was looking perplexed at the fifth time he answered. I still haven't understood a thing. Was I this bad at lip reading?

I even thought that a cow taught him to play. He was making this large gestures.

"So this is where you are, princess." Lucas stood at the opened door with a box on his hands. "You're also with Bwi. By the way did you find anything?"

Bwi answered with cryptic action of his arms and hands.

"I see. Thank you for cooperating, it really is a great help. As for your reward just tell me and I'll see into it."

Something must have happened while I was asleep yesterday.

"Are you curious, princess?" Lucas asked with a smile.

"No, not really," I responded flatly.

Lucas pretending to hear it wrong started explaining, "His father was part of a drug organization, with Bwi's help we now got a lead from the letters he found in his old house."

A drug organization. . . Why do I feel like I'm going to be involved in the future? What's this awful premonition?

Let's just hope Lucas and the others would be successful in shutting down the organization.

But then. . .

"You understand what he said?" I asked looking at him in baffled.

Lucas nodded.

"Then do you know what he's saying?" I asked and told Bwi to tell Lucas his answer.

"He said that his mother's acquaintance watched over him when his mother's out for work. The acquaintance always brings him and her child at an inn where she works. The owner of the inn sometimes teaches him how to play the piano."

Bwi was nodding at me saying that Lucas interpreted was right. Probably on point.

Is this what you called talent? Where did the cow come from?

"Princess, here, take this," Lucas said giving me the rectangular box.

I stared at the content in puzzled for a few seconds before I realized the use of it.

It was a pair of gloves. Is my hand really that disgusting?!

I remembered Aiden's face as he stared at my hand unpleasantly.

Because of their overreaction I became conscious with my hand that it felt filthy now and then. I noted to myself to burn these later.

While I was busy contemplating about the gloves and my damn hand. Bwi held this famous hand of mine and mouthed something.

"He's really thankful for saving him," Lucas interpreted.

Bwi lightly squeezes my hand and smiled brightly.

His innocent smile felt like I was being blessed with such purity, it was as if my defiled hand got cleansed. I then decided to hide the gloves for now.

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