Chapter 5

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(Y/n) walked inside the school with a small smile. She couldn't help but have one, today was one of those good days. The girl opened her locker and stuffed some things inside, humming along to some of her favorite songs.

Her locker was slammed shut and she huffed with a frown. 'Just when my day was goin' good' She looked over to see the blonde bitch that all the boys fawn over.


Alex leaned on the lockers "I heard that William called you out of class yesterday" (Y/n) nodded "Yeah and? Also, thank you for reminding me. I have to finish that test.." She mumbled her last sentence and went to walk away but was stopped as Alex grapped her wrist.

The blonde grew close to her and whispered "Stay away from them. Their fawning over me not you. Judging by your looks, I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't dancing on a pole right now" Ah yes, body jokes.

(Y/n) glanced back at her "....Slut" She flipped her off and yanked her wrist away. Alex's eyes bucked wide at the girl as she went away in the crowd.


Ronald gave (Y/n) a worried glance as she passed them on the roof. She hasn't spoke to them since last Friday, and he was getting worried something bad happened to her.

He wasn't the only one

Ciel was too. Maybe not as worried as Ronald but he was more curious as to what was wrong with her. She just sent him one text and they haven't spoke since.

He was the only one that she would talk to usually. He wouldn't admit it, but he actually missed having a conversation with her. She always had little side comments and jokes to spare.

"Alex.." The blonde girl looked to Ronald as she ate her salad "Is (Y/n)..I dont know..Alright? She hasn't talked to us for awhile.." While saying this, Alex couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows. They dont need to be focused on (Y/n), only on her.

She enjoyed the attention and planned to keep it.

Alex shrugged "You know how over dramtic she is. I told you, she could be on her period" Ciel looked to the open doors as his chewing slowed. He sighed, catching Sebastian's attention. "Is something wrong, Young Master?"

Ciel stood and packed his things up. Alex stared at him "Where are you going?" The blunette walked away from the group and through the open double doors. He knew where he was going.

Straight to (Y/n)

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