Chapter 7

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Seriphina rubbed her head as she walked into the large home, Brookes locking the door and (Y/n) walking off. "I swear, this headache is not going away" (Y/n) went down some doors and then opened a door that was colored white. She walked over to the cabinets and took some Tylenol pills, hurrying down to her sister. "C'mon, I dont kick that hard"

Seriphina rolled her eyes and took the pill bottle while Brookes laughed "Well would you look at that! We all got a trait from dad. Seri has his hard stare, (Y/n)'s got his hard legs, and I got his hard hands" Seriphina sat down on the couch and rolled her eyes "Wonderful..."

(Y/n) walked over with a container of cookies under her arm. She savored the taste and ate the soft cookie, giving one to her brother "When are mom and dad comin' back anyway?" Brookes shrugged while Seriphina crossed her arms and ate a cookie of her own "I think next month... Said they had some business to take care of"

(Y/n) smirked "Are we able to take care of that business?" Seriphina pat her head "We can, but they won't let us go"

(Y/n) smacked her lips and layed back as their brother turned on the TV.



Elizabeth stopped reading her book once she thought back to what (Y/n) said.

"Do you think Ciel is ok?"

The blonde girl gave the (s/c) skinned shorty a worried look. (Y/n) lift a brow "Whaddya mean?" Elizabeth cupped her hands "He...He doesn't talk to me like he usually does.. I barely ever see him around anymore.."

(Y/n) hummed and sat back as they watched the others yell at each other about their scores. "Either he's hiding something from you or he just wants to be left alone"

Elizabeth's eyes dulled "But..."

She stared out her window with a sadden stare. The sun was up and it was still sunny out. A perfect time to go play and do whatever. But, Elizabeth was at home, thinking things over.

"He's been doing this for months.."

She remembered how they woke up in this area, how fast they all got settled in. It was a whole new world to them and Elizabeth wanted to explore it all with Ciel but..

He hasn't even talked to her since then.

Everyone knows you cant do that to your friend. What made things even worse was that she was his Girlfriend. The laws here were a bit different than to where she used to live but Ciel agreed to still be with her.

So why is he flaking off?


Alois scooted closer to Ciel "Look, Ciel! Cheese!" The flash made the blunette practically go blind. Alois looked at the picture and laughed at Ciel's face and then showed it to the two ravenettes across from them at the table.

"Look at his face!" Sebastian coverd his mouth while Claude just shook his head. Ciel glared at his Butler but saw a flurry of (h/c) hair. However, when he saw her with Cheslock, his whole demeanor lowered.

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