Chapter 14

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Edward grunted as Cheslock pushed himself into the gym lockers.

"What the hell is your problem!" Cheslock glared at the blonde and held him by his collar "You knew I liked her! Why're you dating her!? I thought you we're my friend!" Edward pushed him back "It wasn't like that at all!"

Cheslock growled "Yeah? Then explain this" He showed him his phone. It was the exact picture everyones been talking about. "W-When..--Oh, I thought it wasn't like that" Cheslock threw him a sarcastic look.

"Who took this?" The spiked haired male rolled his eyes "Your sister, nitwit" Edward shook his head "Ches.. We're not dating" Cheslock lift a brow and Edward rolled his eyes "I'm telling the truth, she just gave me a hug for.. For being stressed, that's all"

Cheslock narrowed his eyes "...You like her, dont you?" Ed stiffened as a blush came to his cheeks. Cheslock huffed a laugh and walked away.

"I'll put up a fight if I have to. You wont get her so easily.."


The golden eyed Demon sat at his desk as he worked the computer. Took him hours trying to figure out how it works, but he still doesnt know how to send an Email.

"Yo, Spider bitch"

He sighed and looked up from the device to see (Y/n) standing infront of him "I need this graded, you passed me when picking up papers" Claude took the paper and looked it over. "Your handwriting is challenging.."

(Y/n) crossed her arms "Screw you too" He placed it down and glanced up at her. 'She's lived in this world longer than I have..'

"(Y/n), I need your assistance" The (h/c) haired girl walked over his desk with a confused face "On what?" He showed her the computer "This. How do you work an Email?" The girl sweatdropped. She sighed and walked closer, bending slightly to reach it.

"To send one, you press this. Then--Press what?" (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the screen 'I cant really reach it..' The Demon glanced at her, curse their mind reading.

"Sit" She looked over and paled at the spot he was patting.


"It's better than standing" (Y/n) glared at him, not trusting his words. Claude sighed and grasped her waist. "Hey! Wh--Calm down. You're fine" She wanted to adjust herself on his lap but then it would be even worse, so, she stiffly sat there.

Claude fixed his glasses "Now, how does this work?" (Y/n) leaned forward and moved the mouse "This is the thing you press to make a message, this is where you put your Email and then someone else's.."

Claude leaned his chest forward, pressing it against her back. He pointed to the screen "This is for send?" (Y/n) took in a deep breath "Y-Yeah, that's it" She shook at the feeling of his breath on her neck "Is there anything else you would like to show me?"

Their fingers intertwined as his mouth grew closer to her ear "Or rather, would you want me to teach you a few things?"

'Oh shit'

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