Chapter 33

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The good ol break has arrived! Winter break of course!

Sadly, while it was snowing and people were having fun, (Y/n) was in her, or her soon to be, Office. She had a conference with someone today.

Something about needing more guns? She honestly forgot. But that's not all!

"Shu, do you know where my (f/c) blanket i...." She glared at the blonde as he laid there with the blanket covering his body. She slammed her hands on the desk and stood up "Shu, you lazy sack of shit! Give me back my cover!"

Karlheinz and her Father decided to have her spend a day with each brother, just to see how it would go. Since today was Monday, she had Shu. He hasn't done much but sleep.

That's about it.

Shu huffed and turned on his side, his back towards the girl. She went over and tried to pull it off "C'mon now, I'm freezing my tits off!" The door suddenly opened, causing her to stop and smile.

"Hello, you must b--(Y-Y/n)?"

The girl opened her eyes and they widened



She looked up at the two in suprise "I didnt think it would be you guys but, welcome to Japan I guess" Ciel suddenly ran forward and tackled her in a hug. (Y/n) froze at this. It seemed out of character for him. Truth is, Ciel actually missed her.

That's also when the sleeping Vamp decided to wake his ass up. He lift a brow towards Sebastian and then looked to (Y/n) "Whose the shorty?" The girl laughed at his question while Ciel sent him a glare and sneered at him while letting her go, stomping over to the blonde "My name is Ciel Phantomhive, not shorty!" Shu closed his eyes as he stood "So loud.."

He walked over to the desk and sat down. (Y/n) followed after him "So this is where you've been for these past months" She nodded at Sebastian's statement "I'm learning under my dad" She pointed to the blonde "And his" Ciel sat in the chair across from the desk. "So...Who is this exactly?"

(Y/n) smiled "Well, since he's too lazy to introduce himself," She pat his head and he Shued (:3) it away. "This is Shu Sakamaki. He's my future Partner" She thought for a bit "Possibly..." Ciel sputtered as a slap came to his chest "P-Partner!?"

(Y/n) laughed "No, idiot. Business Partners. I'm still single" She then smirked "That reminds me. How's Alex?" Ciel sighed "We dont communicate all that much anymore. Once you left, I fell apart from the group and talked more to the P4 and their Fags" A snort came from Shu, making her smack the back of his head.

"I still talk to her but not as much. She seems to have everyone else wrapped around her finger, even my Butler. Blind fools..." A 'hmpf' came from Sebastian. "My Lord, I believe you forgot William..." (Y/n) lift a brow "William? What happened to Will?" Sebastian decided to answer this himself "It seems that his feelings for Alex have disappeared. He isnt flustered easily by her anymore..." She hummed and then looked over the stack of papers.

"Well, let's get started"

She was going to reach over for the papers but didnt since she was standing and Shu had occupied the seat. She couldn't quite get to them and didnt want to bother Shu. He noticed and sighed, grabbing her by the waist and forcing her to sit in his lap. Ciel's stare hardened at this while Sebastian looked surprised.

(Y/n) smiled "Thank you, Shu. Now," She picked up a paper and read it over "If your here for that reason, supplies must've gone down in the Manor. Is that it?" Ciel nodded "Yes, that is correct"

"Well, I think that...." Her words fell into nothing but babbles as his eye glided to the blonde he had just met. The taller male simply sat his head ontop of (Y/n)'s and closed his eyes, his arms moved closer at her sides making him assume that they wrapped around her torso. But, she just sat there as if it was normal! She didnt even try to smack his arms away or give him a glare like she used too.

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