Chapter 30

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I walked over to the albino with anger issues and held out my hand "Yo. (Y/n)" He gave me a cold stare and slowly sat his palm in mine, shaking it "Subaru.."

My good ol Dad clapped his hands and stood up "Perfect! Now, time for the real reason we brought you here" I lift a brow and turned to him.



The short girl stood infront of Subaru as the others looked at them from the sidelines. She had her arms crossed "So...You want me to fight Subaru"

Karlheinz nodded as he stood with her Father and his other sons "Exactly. Give them a taste of what their missing. Maybe even that move you've been working on, eh?" He sent her a small smirk. However, (Y/n)'s widened as her head lowered "Gladly.."

Subaru glared at her from the circle as he got ready.

"Three, two....Hajime!"

The albino ran towards the short girl at a fast pace, almost blinding. He had a fist raised to the air as it flew to her face. She quickly spun behind him, causing his fist to damage the wall behind her. Karl sweatdropped "I'll pay for it" (D/n) waved his hand in dismissal "No, it's fine. Nothing new"

Reiji shook his head at his brother's actions while face palming. Subaru growled and pulled his hand from the wall "That little rat.." He looked left and right but pulled a suprised look as at the arms that wrapped around his torso.

He looked back to see the girl giving him a threatening smirk "I prefer 'Wolf'," She arched her back and threw herself backwards with as much strength as she could muster, pulling the youngest male with her.


He let out a yell as she tossed him back, smashing tha back of his head and neck into the ground as she kept her feet planted on the ground. (D/n) happily clapped "Good job, (Y/n)!" Shu winced at the albino's frozen state and closed his eyes as the girl stood back up. Laito covered his mouth while Ayato openly laughed cradling his stomach. "Haha! Dumbass! She was right behind you!" Kanato sent the girl a look "What a violent Human she is..."

Karlheinz smiled as the girl shook off her clothes and looked down at her fallen opponent. "Sub...Sub. Subaru!" She looked to the others "Oh my fuckin' God, he fuckin' dead.." (D/n) crossed his arms "What have I told you about your language, young Lady!"

She kicked his body and deadpan "...I think I killed him" The others gathered around as he laid there with his eyes closed. Ayato scoffed "Nah, he's not dead. Look" He kicked his leg, causing it to twitch afterwards "Told you.."

(D/n) hummed and looked to his little girl

"He's your responsibility, take him to your room and wait for him to get up"

(Y/n)'s went wide and she gaped at him "What!?" Laito smirked and leaned near her "Oh my~ What type of fun will go down there, hm?" She pushed him away some and looked back to her Father "Why my room? We got other rooms!" (D/n) crossed his arms "Now, now (Y/n). You caused it, you fix it. He will be in your care till he wakes up"


Of course she couldn't carry his heavy ass up those stairs!

She had Laito and Ayato do it, them constantly complaining. (Y/n) looked out her window for a second till she looked at Subaru's reflection on the glass. She looked back and saw him still laying under the covers, a calm expression on his face for once.

She stood and walked over to her bed, taking a lock of hair and twirled it a bit. It was smooth and soft, the complete opposite of his attitude. She then thought back to his head. Well yeah, Vampires heal faster than Humans but she couldn't help but worry.

What if she cracked his fucking skull open!

(Y/n) turned his head slightly, stopping when she saw his face scrunch up in pain. She slowly rubbed the back of his head checking for any cuts or cracks and luckily, there was none. But, just to be sure, she did what all the movies did.

She sat a warm towel on his head.

Hey! That's what they did in the movies and they always recovered, maybe it'll work? And if that doesnt work, Tylenol. While preparing him, she went back to playing with his hair. It was soothing for her in a way.

But, when she looked down at his face, she screamed and fell back as his bright red eyes stared into her being. (Y/n) groaned on the floor as Subaru sat up at a fast speed, specks of pink present on his face "W-What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He grit his teeth and winced as his hand went to the back if his head.

(Y/n) hurriedly stood up and gently pushed him back down and grabbed the two pills on her nightstand "Here, take this" She poured water in a cup from one of her water bottles from her minnie fridge and passed it to him along with the pills. He gave her a glare and snatched both out of her hands, splashing himself in the process.


He growled at her and shoved the pills in his mouth, drinking it down. He sat the cup back down and laid onto the covers. Once his head met the pillow, a small sigh of content came from his lips. (Y/n) stretched and smirked down at him "Cant believe I actually beat a Vampire" He 'tch'd' "Quiet. You got lucky"

She rolled her eyes "Sure. Sub" He lift a brow "Sub? What type of name is that?" She shrugged in response "Eh. Sounds good to me. What else do you want, Tsundere? Car boy? Roses? Albino--Hold on, Roses?" (Y/n) nodded "Yeah. You're always around them so, eh" She shrugged yet again.

He glared at her with squinted eyes "Don't name me at all. I don't want to even be here.." He sat back up and went to leave "Bro, I dont think that's a good idea" She silently followed behind him as he scoffed "Leave me the hell alone, I'll be fine" Before his hand could touch the door, he wobbled slightly.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around him "Back to bed" He sputtered and tried to push her away "Get the fuck away from me! Dont touch me!" She looked up at him "Calm down, nothing 's wrong" She pulled him closer, causing their chest to be squished together, as she pulled him back to the bed.

His face slowly became red the more she pushed on him. "G-Get off me!" She stopped and smirked up at him "Boy, did you studder? Aww, your face is red~" He flinched and went back to pushing her away "Why the hell are you so goddamn strong!?"

"What the fuck do you mean, I'm a literal twig compared to you!"

He forced himself out of her grasp and ran across the room. (Y/n) furrowed her brows "Subaru, wait! Not too fast!" He glared at her and slowly stalked to the bed, now seeing that she wouldn't remove herself from the door. "Shut up.." The bed squeaked as he climbed back in, putting the covers back on.

(Y/n) smiled and walked over "That's it, good boy~" She pat his head. Subaru 'tch'd' and smacked her hand away "Be quiet or I'll force you to" She grumbled softly and looked back out the window. "You're so mean Sub.." She mumbled under her breath or at least tried to.

A flick on her forehead made her glare at the white haired male.


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