Chapter 36

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The two teens glared at each other in the room.

That was until (Y/n) threw a pillow at him and ran. "Hey! How dare you throw something at Ore-Sama!" The (h/c) ran through her Manor all while trying to escape a cocky red head.

Now, she wasn't Yui running. She was flailing arms running cause....A Vamp chasing you can be pretty tough when they can teleport...

And smell you...

And tell your heart rate...

And kill you, but that's not the case

(Y/n) skidded at the corner and glanced down. Ayato had a smirk on his face as he approached her. (Y/n) slowly backed up, trying to think of a way to leave from him.

That's when it hit her. Literally, she walked onto a wooden table by accident. It was one of those small ones that are ment to carry vases. She picked it and and spun, throwing it at the redhead. Ayato qucikly brought his arms up and blocked the hit as it smashed around him. He grit his teeth and looked back up only to see her rounding the corner.

He growled and teleported to the hall down, spreading his arms out to catch her. She grunted as she met with his chest, him trapping her and pinning her to the wall by her wrist. "You thought you could get away from me that easily?"

He pushed her harder against the wall and moved his head to the creek of her neck "You must think you're tough shit, huh?" She glared at him and moved her head towards him. He narrowed his eyes and moved it. She moved it back and smiled at him "You must think you're tough shit, eh?"

Ayato grunted and stared at the wall with a pained expression. He slowly bent down while clutching his crotch. (Y/n) took it upon herself to run with a laugh. "Suck it, Bitch!"


(Y/n) laid under 'her' desk. She took this time to look around the small parts she could see 'Father went out on a business meeting with Tougo-San. I hope their doin' ok'

She then stood and looked over the office. 'This is gonna be mine in only a few more years...It might even be one year' She'd have a big responsibility on her shoulders and right after that, Suitors.

She cringed at the thought. Her Parents had already been trying to set her up with a few since she was little. Granted, it was mostly her Mother. Her Father always reminded her that she would need someone to work alongside her, to aid her in her wars and troubles. If anything, she'd rather work alone, no problems needed when she's keeping to herself.


She yelped and threw her arm back while turning around. Ayato grasped her wrist and 'tch'd' "Keep your damn hands to yourself. I dont need you ruining Ore-Sama's features" (Y/n) scoffed and snatched her hand away "Well, Ore-Sama can go fuck himself" The red head growled and leaned into her shorter frame, glaring into her eyes "What did you just say to me?"

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes with a smirk "I said what I ment. Now, if you excuse me, I'm hungry and I want somethin' to eat" She roughly pushed him away and calmly walked to the office door "You can join me if you want"


(Y/n) sat on a stool while happily eating her granola bar. Then Ayato walked in with some new shit.

"Make Ore-Sama some Takoyaki"

She rolled her eyes and turned to him "Bitch, I dont even know how to find my way from A to goddamn B, what makes you think I can make Japanese cuisine?"

Ayato crossed his arms and walked forward "Well, you better learn how to make it or else" Hot breath scraped her neck "You wouldn't want to make Ore-Sama angry, now would you?"

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