Chapter 51

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To help y'all feel like a baddie. We bout to bust on everyone with this new arrival😌👌🏾

The door to the Teachers lounge opened, a buck eyed Grell stepping in. William glanced over and lift a brow, blowing his coffee "What's wrong with him this time?"

"(Y/n)'s back"

"HmMm--" William held the coffee in before he spit it out. Undertaker's eyes widened under his bangs "I thought she was removed? She left months ago"

"She's back but this time, she's not alone"

Sebastian stepped in, closing the door behind him. Claude nodded "He's right. Ten more Male Students have came as well. Four carrying the same last name while the other six carry the other name. Brothers, yet all ten seem to have a hatred towards each other"

Grell sat down "This is terrible! What if they try to take my darling Alex away!" William's face soured as he heard the name. William glanced out the window and narrowed his eyes. He then scoffed "They don't seem to be interested in Alex" The others looked his way as he pointed to the glass.

They joined together, with some pushing and shoving, to see the (h/c) with a small purplette. Soon, a happy blonde came over and tired taking her away but a red head stopped it, causing more of the new Students to come along.

"They seem to like Miss (Y/n).."

Undertaker stared at the her smile. She hadn't smiled that bright in who knows how long. She looked happy for once. He remembered when he could make her happy. He remembered when she would laugh so hard, tears would spill out.

But, that was then. And this..

(Y/n) kicked the tall brunette, causing him to chase after her and laugh with her as they ran around.

This is now..


"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!"

Elizabeth slammed the Library doors open, eagerly looking around. Her face fell a bit once she didn't see the person so was looking for.

"Lookin' for a friend, eh?"

Elizabeth nodded and looked down "Yes. But, I suppose I got the dates wrong.."

"Really? Was there a specific time?"

"Yes. She said she would be here around the same time she left here..One forty five, exactly" The person smiled "Well, are you sure you checked everywhere?" The blonde glanced to the person she was talking to and gasped.

"Hey, Lizzie"

Elizabeth stood there in shock till a pool of tears flooded into her vision. She threw herself on (Y/n) and cried bloody murder as she hugged her "(Y/N)! YOU'RE BACK! I can't believe it!"

(Y/n) pat Elizabeth's back as she cried "I'm back, Lizzie. It's ok" Elizabeth smiled up at her "You even said 'Lizzie'! Wait...You said Lizzie...Who are you and what have you done with (Y/n)?" The two laughed and soon Elizabeth pulled her down a hallway, running as quick as she could to the outside area where a special Gazebo stood.


The spiked haired Male boredly looked back at the voice but he soon sputtered and fell out of his chair. Violet looked at him and then back to Elizabeth. He hummed "Midford. It seems that your Sister has something for you"

Edward tilted his head and looked at Elizabeth, soon freezing once he saw he--"BITCH!" A smiling Cheslock interrupted his thoughts and ran straight to (Y/n). Said girl threw her arms up "Dumbass!" They both hugged each other, laughing and joking around while doing so.


Alois stared at the group from a window

'Why hasn't she come to me yet...'

He glared at the way she smiled at them all, introducing herself to the P4 officially and all. Alois inhaled and smiled, tightening his back pack around his shoulders.

He walked back to a chair and gripped it...


"It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/n)" The girl smiled at Lawrence "Same to you, Mr. Bluewer"

Bluewer nodded back at her. Cheslock rubbed her hair "How ya been?" (Y/n) thought back to how her life was in Japan.

Getting bitten

Almost getting killed

Exposing her strength

Being surrounded by Vampires twenty four seven

"...I've been good. Just fin--"


Cheslock lift a brow "The hell was that?" Redmond looked up and shriek, looking to everyone "Get out, get out!" Violet followed where he was looking but he was soon yanked up by Herman, Clayton following.

Edward grabbed Elizabeth out while Cheslock ran out himself. Bluewer lift a brow as to why everyone was running, not taking out his earbuds as his relaxation music played.

He saw (Y/n) yelling at him but she soon grabbed his wrist and shielded him, holding his head close so it wouldn't get hit as the desk caved in the Gazebo.

Lawrence gripped her clothes tight as the dust slowly cleared. The music still played in his ears as she held him. He looked up to her while she smiled down at him. His face became a bright red as he gazed at her eyes.

"Bluewer! (Y/n)!"

"Is she alright!?"

Alois slowly stepped away from the broken window, walking out of the empty classroom.


"So...What type of girl are you into?"

Ayato glanced to the blonde and scoffed "Not you" Alex bickered her head and blinked rapidly with a smile "What?"

Ayato 'eh'd' "I like my Women with two main components. Big breast, taste delicious. And you dont fit that position"

Alex gripped her pen "Oh, but I bet (Y/n) does. You do know of all the things she's done here right?" Ayato rolled his eyes "Oh, enlighten me"

"She's a Whore. I swear, she fucked Ciel. There's no other way. And trust me when I say, Edward and her? Blow buddie---You"

Alex looked back to see Kanato, a glare in his eyes. That was until it soften "Are you sure she did all this?"

Alex smirked, she had got them right where she wanted them.

"Yes! I tried to tell her it wasn't right but she never listens"

Ayato squinted his eyes at Kanato. What the fuck was he doing?

Kanato held Teddy closer "I knew it. She couldn't be trusted but...Alex-Chan.." Alex stared at Kanato as he pulled his little puppy dogs at her "I can trust you...Can't I?" Alex eagerly nodded and pat his head "Of course you can, you can trust me with anything"

His grip on Teddy tightened till he gave her a small smile "Thank you.."

Ayato stood and walked out the room, soon bumping into someone. He looked up and scowled, pushing past the blonde. Alois scoffed "What's stuck up his arse...Alex~ It's time to go!" Alex looked to Alois and smiled "Alois! Look who I've just met. This is Kanato"

Alois straight up glared at Kanato. What the hell was he doing using his bait..

Kanato gave the glare right back, gripping her clothes "Alex-Chan, I dont like this kid" Alex 'aww'd' and walked out of the room with the purplette, still patting his hair.

Alois narrowed his eyes

These new kids were going to become a problem

Had to make it exactly long and special😌 Just to give everyone a little taste before we get into the real shit. And, Damn! Three updates!? I'm on a fuckin' roll!

Also, question....

Who would you want a Lemon with, dear (Y/n)?

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