Chapter 29

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(Y/n) glared at each brother while a few did the same back to her. It was only Kanato, because of what happened in Home ec. Reiji, becasue he's always judgin' folk and Ayato, because he saw her glaring at him, so he did it back. Shu looked like he was bored out of his mind, Subaru was slouching on the wall and Laito...

She was trying her best not to even look at his ass.

She turned to the elder Sakamaki "So, what the fuck is this? A field trip?" Karlheinz chuckled and pat her head "Language, (Y/n)-San. I wanted to show them around and get to meet your Father, that's all" Ayato scoffed and the girl turned to him "She's the Heiress? Ha," He crossed his arms with a smirk "She's short as hell, probably cant even reach the top shelf"

(Y/n) glared at him and crossed her arms as well "Well at least I got the balls to actually run this shit. What are you doin'?" She smirked "Oh right, tryin'to get attention from one girl that's bein' chased by eleven other dudes. And you think you actually stand a chance?"

She turned at his silence and walked up the staircase "I'm gone. Peace" Karlheinz chuckled at her behavior as she left.

But once she was gone, that wall broke down. He glared at the red head "Treat her with respect" Subaru took the chance to talk back "Why should we listen to you? She's nothing important anyway"

Karl turned with a sigh "That's what you think..." This caught their interest. "If it's no trouble to ask, what does that Human have to do with anything?" Reiji shifted his glasses as the group stalked after their Father. Karl didnt turn as he made them follow like little ducklings "You'll find out soon enough"

A growl was heard "Enough with this 'soon' crap. Tell us now" Kanato gripped the bear even tighter "I'd like to know what that pathetic filth has to do with any of this anyway. Maybe I can give her a sweet little gift after what happened today" That small little crazied smile came to his face, causing the others to slightly step away from him.

Ayato shook his head "Hysteric.." He mumbled. Karl opened the door and smiled at the (h/c) haired male that sat at his desk. "Ah. Tougo-San. Are these your boys?" Karl nodded "All six. Boys, this is (L/n) (D/n). Head of the (L/n) Company in Arms and Weapons Supplies"

See, the oldest was supposed to come up but instead, it was Reiji. "Pleased to meet you, sir" (D/n) nodded as they shook hands "So polite. I assume this is your oldest?" Karl chuckled and shook his head "Nope. He is" He pointed to the snoozing blonde on one of the office couches. (D/n) lift a brow but soon waved his hand "We all need our rest days, understandable" Shu still laid there like a stiff board. Reiji 'tch'd' "Deadbeat..."

He then turned to the man he should call 'Father' "I hope it's not rude to ask but, why exactly are we here?" Karl stood next to his colleague "Well, whoever succeeds in my game also is the next in line to team together with the (L/n) Company. We're partners in a way" Laito tilted his head with a smirk "Ah, so we have ties with them"

(D/n) nodded with a proud smile "Exactly. You will also be working alongside my daughter" Ayato snickered "Who? Short stack? Ha"

. . . . . . .

His face became one of suprise "...She's actually the Heiress?" Karl held the bridge of his nose "Yes, I told you this... She came here from London to learn under her Father and I" (D/n) suddenly jolted "Oh, that reminds me. I need to call her in" Karlheinz glanced his way "What for?"

(D/n) typed on his Phone and soon held it up to his ear "Well, she needs to become acquainted with her new business partners, of course!"


(Y/n) blasted music in her ear as she read a new Fanfic. Then it vibrated. She saw who it was and answered "Yellow?"

"(Y/n)! Come meet and Tougo-San's sons"

As much as she wanted to say no, she didnt want to be disrespectful "...Alright, I'm comin'" The man hummed in acknowledgement and hung up. (Y/n) groaned as she sat on her desk chair and reluctantly got up, dreading each step she took.

Once she got there, she swung the door open and closed it, standing right at the door. She looked over each brother with a slow head nod.

"Mhm...Welp, I met 'em all. Bye" The girl turned and pulled the door knob "(Y/n).." She slumped and closed the door back, going past the brothers and to her Father. "Honey, please. At least try and shake their hand?" (Y/n) gave him a weird out look. He shrugged "That's all I could think of"

She turned with her hands on her hips, thinking of which brother to skate hands with.

Laito... Might say some nasty shit, might be civilized, who knows

Kanato... He's gonna try and snap her in half

Ayato... Cocky bitch ain't even worth it

Subaru...Eh. He might not pick a fight but let's pray the walls dont get smashed in

Reiji... Probably would do it either way but with that look of disgust on his face

Shu... Is he sleep?

So it's a tie between the youngest or the second oldest...

Ima let yall pick ;3

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