Chapter Thirteen

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*Smut Warning*

After all the water froze our bodies enough, Jasper managed to get us to the bank of the river, onto something dry. Our slicks hands held the other close as if we were afraid one or both of us would disappear. Jasper carefully lowered me to the ground; the grass was damp below me but dryer than the river; I was grateful. He did it all without breaking the kiss. He hovered over me; a hand pushed under my shirt, the heat of his skin caused butterflies to erupt on my skin. My hands were on his face, basking in the glory of his smooth skin, the skin that I was now claiming.

After a moment, we finally broke apart, chests heaving, breathing far from under control. We smiled at each other. "How long have you been wanting to do that? I mean really do it, and not as a gift?"  I asked, letting my fingers trace along his lips; he shuddered at the delicate touch. The way he had kissed me, it felt like it had been something he'd kept built up for a long time. It was worth the wait; I'd wait an eternity to feel that again. I was sure I wasn't alone in that feeling.

He blushed, and I swore then that I'd never seen a more beautiful sight, he began trying to look away from me, but my hands locked around his face, not allowing him to break eye contact, not allowing him to take anything from this moment. I wasn't done staring into those eyes of his. "Don't laugh at me."

"I could never Jas. Not about something like this."

A sigh escaped him as his fingers began to trace delicate patterns along my hip; the butterflies were going crazy at his touch. His emerald eyes glistened in the moonlight that alone had warmth erupting down below. "Since we were kids, Sadie. That kiss at your birthday was what truly ignited the feelings I have for you. Have you ever wondered why I couldn't make a relationship last? I couldn't kiss them; I couldn't fall in love with them. What they wanted, I didn't give; I couldn't give. I was waiting." Another brush of his lips. "I was waiting for you."

If I wasn't feeling the fire of his touches before, I certainly was now. I put a hand on the back of his head, holding him in place just above my face, his lips brushing my own with every breath. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to see it and understand it."

"It doesn't matter." He shook his head; every brush of his lips sent a shiver of pleasure down my body. His knees rested on either side of my legs; I could feel the warmth of him as he lowered his body so that it rested on mine. "You see it now, don't you?" I could only nod.  He grinned. "That's all that matters."

Making out with Jasper on the riverbank was not how I thought this night was going to end when I woke up this morning. I thought it'd be another day of school and work mixed in with studying. I thought my head would have exploded by now, but it didn't; it remained intact. My heart, on the other hand, may have burst; I couldn't be too bothered to care at the moment; I was in a new world that I didn't wish to leave. I didn't want to stop kissing Jasper, stop having him hold me the way he was, the hand on my hip, the other in my hair. I'd never felt as alive as I did at this moment. I didn't want it to end; from the feeling on my waist, I could tell Jasper didn't want it to either. But we were on the riverbank behind the high school. Not the most romantic of settings, especially if things were going the way I was thinking they were.

"Jas," I whispered; something about speaking louder than a whisper didn't sit right with me. It felt like the mood could be ruined. "We can't do this."

Jasper's eyes widened instantly, and he pushed himself a safe distance away from me, thinking that he'd overstepped some kind of boundary of mine. I sat up as quickly as he did, ignoring the little mind rush in my head.

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