Chapter Thirty-Three

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It was time to go home. Knowing I wouldn't have to spend another night here had my heart racing with both joy and worry. A joy that I would no longer be hooked up and poked by needles and fear that I wouldn't have the help I had here if something were to go wrong.

My bags were packed, and I was dressed like a normal human being, no more hospital gowns for me, not for a long time, I hoped. My mom had helped me get dressed; I wore the purple prosthetic leg Jasper had designed. It was an effort to put the jeans on around it, more bending than I had the strength for; my ribs still hurt, bending wasn't an easy task.

It felt almost like being a child again, having my mother help me dress, but I couldn't do it on my own. My arm had ached like no other when I had attempted at putting a shirt on; I yelled for my mother through the door; she was there instantly.

My lips pouted as she helped me button the jeans. It felt odd not doing it myself. She picked up on that.

"You'll be able to do it yourself soon; I'm glad to help. That's what a mother does for her children." A warm smile appeared. "I'll do it whenever you need me to, don't be embarrassed to ask."

I'd be embarrassed, no doubt, but I would call her, only if Jasper were unable to help. I was sure he'd have no issue helping me get dressed. Or undressed, but that was for a later time. A much later time. Until I felt myself wholly again, there would be no activity of that sense. Hopefully, Jasper would more than understand and would be patient with me.

There was no reason why he wouldn't. We'd been through so much together, waited this long to be together; I was sure he'd handle whatever came at us with care. I just hoped he didn't treat me like a fragile porcelain bowl. I was broke and healing; I wasn't broken, not entirely. He'd always looked out for my health and well-being; this would be no different.

"I'll try. I'll have Jasper with me to help if I need it if you're not available. I feel bad, having all of you take breaks from your jobs and such to look after me. If I'm ever too much of a burden," I shook my head. "I don't want to be a burden to you guys."

Her hands wrapped around my head, pulling me close to her. My eyes closed as she pulled; I felt the love and tenderness of a mother's touch as she placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I felt every emotion flow through the kiss.

"You are not a burden, Sadie; you will never be a burden. You need our help right now, and we'll all be there to help you. We are all willing to be there and help you. You don't need to worry yourself about our jobs, that's not for you to worry about, you're more important. Always know that you will always be more important than some job than money than anything. We're here for you whenever you need us; just give us a call."

I hated that I felt the tears in my eyes again. Crying all the time was exhausting; I couldn't wait for a time in my life where I could go a good long while without shedding a tear. That would be a dream, a dream that would probably never happen. I was too emotional of a person for that, been through too much to go a certain amount of time without crying.

Somehow, I'd managed to blink back the tears. "I know, I just don't like being able not fully to take care of myself. I've always done things for myself; I hate that that's being taken from me. I need help now; I hate asking for help."

Asking for help always seemed like a sign of weakness to me. I'd always wanted to do things for myself. When Carly had gone to the school on my behalf, I'd been grateful yet upset that it hadn't been me that had gone and pleaded my case. Whenever Blaine or Jasper stood up for me against others, I was grateful yet ashamed I didn't handle it myself. Even without asking for help, people continued to help me without my asking for it. Granted, I'd needed it in those times, yet it was never an easy thing to deal with. A tightening occurred in my stomach.

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