Chapter Thirty-Nine

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      Jasper's fingers were warm on my skin as they zipped up my dress. They sent shivers down my spine as they skated along my neck as Jasper bunched up my hair, clasping the necklace.

His hands rested on my bare shoulders, the warmth from him soaked into me as we both stared at our reflection in the mirror in my bedroom. I turned in his hold, admiring the angles of the dress on my body. Smiling at the sole high heel on my foot, it did wonders for my legs and butt.

Jasper agreed with that last claim as well. More than once, while he helped me put the dress on, did his hand end up cupping my butt. It sent a thrill through me, and I was quick to return the favor.

Jasper looked snazzy while wearing his tuxedo. It brought back memories of the prom he redid for me. I couldn't wait to dance with him again tonight.

"You'll have to help me through the dances, Jas; I wasn't too steady on my own two feet before, I sure won't be now on one."

His lips were on my neck. "You know I'll hold you close." He really would. "Shall we go?"

A look at the watch on his wrist answered that question. "If we leave now, we'll make it on time. Even with my slowness, we'll make it."

Reluctantly he pulled his lips from my neck, brushing a few strands over it. My hand lifted to where I could still feel the warmth of his lips.

"Did you leave a mark?" I turned carefully in his arms. "Jas?"

A blush dusted his cheeks. "I didn't mean to. Don't move your hair."

I smacked his chest with a laugh. "What am I going to do with you?"

He laughed as he tugged me from the room. "Besides, love me? Sades, I wish I knew what you are going to do with me. What are you planning to do with me?"

It took me until we got into the car before I answered him. "I plan to love you forever, Jas. I plan to grow old with you, experience life with you. Go places, do things, be happy. All with you."

Jasper leaned over to hold my hand before bringing it to his heart. I thought my own would burst at the sight. "I would love nothing more than to do all those things along with you, Sadie. We've got a lot of potential ahead of us; we'll share experiences soon, I promise you. Only with you." He kissed my knuckles before giving me back my hand. He began to drive. "Only you, Sades. Only you."

For the first time since the accident one month ago, my eyes were wide open the entire car ride. The fact that they were focused on Jasper the whole time may have had something to do with that.

I could tell that Jasper noticed my eyes remaining open. He continued to talk to me about happy, lighthearted things, anything to keep my eyes from pinching shut again. I was more than happy to amuse him and respond, and it wasn't hidden on me that I was continuing to keep my eyes open.

After a while, I released a long breath and turned towards the front. My eyes found the road. I could feel every bone and muscle within me tense. My eyes begged to close, but no, no more. No more being afraid of what is, what was. I could only accept what happened and move on with my life, no more holding myself from the outside world. I had to see it; it was what it'd always been.

There were no cars in front of us. Snow dusted the pavement, the wind sending it up in spirals like a typhoon. On instinct, my left hand darted to Jasper, who held it like a vice at once. With his hand holding mine, I was breathing more comfortable.

"Are you okay?" his voice was gentle.

"Yeah," I breathed. "Yeah, I'm good. My eyes are still open. I haven't closed them."

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