Chapter Forty

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       Not long after we finished dancing, Jasper asked if I was ready to leave. I was beyond ready. Though I had fun dancing, it had been an immense amount of effort, and my leg was sore from the exertion I put it through. It had all been worth it. I'd forgotten just how much I'd needed a night like tonight. I needed to get out, live my life as if nothing had changed.

As Jasper drove, I looked out the window, pulling his tuxedo jacket tighter around my body. The little shawl I had to warm my shoulders just wasn't cutting it anymore. The snow was falling outside in a steady fluffy pattern. It looked gorgeous in the nightlight.

We'd been driving for nearly an hour when I noticed that something was different.


"Yeah?" He drawled out. I could hear the smile in his voice.

I turned towards him. "We should've been home by now. The roads are okay; the snow isn't coming down that hard. Where are we going?"

His smile only grew in response. He was definitely up to something.

"Jasper Michael Evans!" I exclaimed, feigning anger when it was to the point, he had my curiosity peaked, a smile blooming on my own face. "Where are you taking me?"

"Us." He corrected. "Where am I taking us?" The fingers on his right hand when to his jaw, rubbing at it as if he were deep in thought. "Where or where are we going?"

Jasper was set in his decision to keep me in the dark about our new destination. But an idea occurred to me then.

"Are we picking up a real Christmas tree to decorate? You said we'd do that tomorrow. Are we picking up the tree early?"

Jasper shook his head. "Good guess, but no."

I poured. A real Christmas tree would be a fantastic thing for this Christmas. It'd be so fun to decorate, and I'd been exciting myself up with that since the idea hit me. Too bad it wasn't an idea that would actually happen tonight.

"Next year, I'll get you a real tree, Sades. The biggest, most full tree you've ever seen! I promise you!" He leaned over; his pinky held up high. He wiggles it for a moment after I ignored him before I finally joined my pinky with his.

Jasper took an exit then that I recognized. We were heading to the airport. Why would we be heading to the airport?


"Patience, sweetheart."

At this point in our lives and especially what happened for us in the past few months, Jasper knew I wasn't one for patience, especially when it came to going to the airport and traveling somewhere.

"I already got your passport in your bags. I stashed them in the trunk before you even woke up this morning."

My mouth hung open. Damn him and his early wake-up call. He was always getting the jump on me. As much as I loved him, I wasn't willing to get up early with him; he could have that time to himself, especially if it meant him doing surprises like this for me.

He drove through the airport, quickly finding a long-term parking space, shutting the car off before turning to look at me. "I know I'm good, Sadie, you can admit it!" If I'd didn't know better, I would have thought the grin on his face would've given off maniac vibes. He indeed was proud of himself. I couldn't deny I was a little proud of him too. I always would be.

"You are good," I told him, meeting him halfway for a quick kiss. "Too good sometimes."

"I'll take that as a compliment then."

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