💢Chapter 35💢

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Chapter 35


"Still reporting live from the Duncan's resident, we can see the preparation getting hot" she turned back at some people dressed on lemon and black trouser entering into the house.

"I recognize that Brand from anywhere. That's definitely Perfect event planning and the rumors reaching us is that the entertainment for the day will be done by various celebrities.  How better can the day get?"

Dara and Funsho knocked on Chief's study then she entered. "Good morning Chief" she greeted and Chief smiled. Eugene the housemaid pouring tea for him.

"Good morning Dad"

"Good morning my dear."
"Good morning Sir" Eugene greeted Funsho, she glanced at Dara feeling relunctant to greet her. Dara noticed, it's not so hard to whiff people with characteristics like this.

She probably thinks she's a teenager or something.

"Good morning" she greeted only because courtesy demanded it, "Good morning to you too"  she answered then Chief demanded  she made tea for the both of them.

"Okay Sir" She nodded her head walking out of the room.

I guess congratulations are in order for the would be latest couple" He said fully aware Funsho planned on proposing to her that day.

Funsho gave him a look and he laughed shaking his head,  "You did not take that one from me" he answered and Dara glanced at the both of them. "Is this a secret message thing?" She asked and Chief pointed at the chair.

  "Please have your seat"

"Maybe I should leave you two alone Sir. I was going to meet up with Mummy. Later Sir, later dear" she flashed a smile at Funsho before leaving.

"I didn't know they invited the press. I thought it was going to be more closed. At this rate, all the women in my life will come and the last thing I need is drama happening on my birthday"

"Your mother took the liberty to invite them. I thought you were going to propose to Dara" 

"I wanted to then I thought it through. I knew my exes will be there so I wanted to pass a message across. Seeing the press, I can guess the number of women that will be lining up already. I wish it was a private party"

"Sir Funsho just came in now with that his skinny girlfriend. Who would have thought he'll end up choosing that girl, she doesn't even look like his type. The party is for real, I don't think he's going to change his mind" she said on a call then she noticed Dara behind her then she hung up.

"Are you lost?" She asked and Dara shook her head, "No. Where can I find Mummy Funsho?"


The DJ played Teni's gele while everyone seated swayed their head to the music. Funsho and Dara stood by while they waited for the MC to announce them to take their seat on a chair reserved for the both of them, it felt more like a wedding than a birthday.  The MC seemed to be having fun telling jokes.

She was dressed in a blue gown with a cutout slit, Funsho on the other hand had a short sleeve slim fit white agbada on, the front embroidery was colored blue to match with Dara's clothing.

"It's true what they say, men will end up dating all the slay queens and end up getting married to dweebs" she complained to another lady, Toyin sitting close to her. "I only came to see if it's true oh. When Mercy posted that picture on her blog and I saw the girl's structure. I thought maybe it was camera error. Look how straight the babe looks, so Funsho can see curves and follow ruler" Toyin snapped and the lady close to her laugh. She glanced at Funsho hoping he'll notice her presence.

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