{Chapter 2}

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Narrator's POV:

After some time, Catheline carefully stashed her weapon in the cavity and closed the top. She sat on the bed and sighed. Her chambers had a soft glow of white and sky-blue shades.

The room was quite large and accommodating and there was a bathing chamber nearby in the room. I had everything I ever needed.

Her room was decorated to her choice, a token of gratitude from the King for accepting his request to sleep in separate chambers. She never knew why he made such a request but it did not upset her much this day.

She had her private space where she could do as she wished. Though a small part of her heart did not enjoy this separation. A woman's heart was weak and sensitive to emotions.

She sighed again and contemplated her actions. There was nothing wrong she had done. Doing great deeds makes a person satisfied at heart. And it did help her. If she was seen under her disguise once more and got caught, things would not end up well for her.

There was nothing she could do now. There is no turning back anymore.

She looked at the door. Within a few months of marriage, she always expected her husband to come to her room. At least to talk or say anything. In her opinion, marriage was not just something intimate.

But no.

That never happened. He always sent someone if he had anything to say. It felt miserable that the man you have feelings for does not return the same. But the least she could do is to not pester him. Because if she does and he becomes even crueler to her, she might not bear it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She slowly got up and with her heart beating in anticipation. It was her close maid, Karra.

She was a young girl, at the age of seventeen who adored and admired the Queen. Catheline smiled when she saw her. Her sight was not unwelcome to the upset Queen.

"Your Grace, do you wish to eat something?" She asked Catheline cheerfully.

Catheline smiled at her and shook her head softly. In this kingdom, it was Karra who knew what she liked in her food preferences. Karra was a great baker and she knew it.

"You may return to your work," Catheline said with a nod.

Karra bowed and walked away respectfully. Catheline's eyes watched her trail and she sighed once more before shutting the door.

It was nearly dusk. Catheline did not leave her room the entire afternoon. She had been reading a book that she found in the library a few days ago. It described most of the maps of many places and kingdoms.

She was in her nightgown, in the shade of ivory and made of satin. Even if it was not the time to retire, she knew she was not much needed around.

It was getting dark and yet her husband did not fulfill his word. Catheline did not wait for him as she was used to it. He was busy after all. Too busy to see a woman he supposedly married. She knew all her piled-up anger would erupt one day. It was just a matter of time.

She was a little sleepy but tried to stay awake. But as the hours passed by, she decided to give up and sleep. She put the book away on the side table. Suddenly, there was a small chirping near the window.

She turned her head to see her beloved canary, Mimy, perched on the window. Her father gifted her the bird and Catheline always adored it. She got up and went near the window. There was no letter for her though.

She picked up Mimy and took her near the food bowl. Mimy flew to the food bowl and munched the grains. Catheline smiled at the bird and sat on her bed. Sleep took over her shortly, filled with sweet dreams.

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