{Chapter 51}

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Xander's POV:

"Our King has offered you some peace terms,"

I did not bother how he addressed his sender because it does not matter. We were in the audience chambers as it would be foolish to meet them in my study.

"A man doesn't become a king just because he claims so," I replied, tapping my fingers on the armrest.

That amused him. Instead of tensing up, he became more relaxed. He had an air of confidence I was curious to break. His gaze slightly shifted to my side where Lestor sat, glaring at him with bloodlust. I could order him to kill the man right away. But I have to evaluate all the options and choices I would make.

"Just because a man wears a crown on his head, does not mean that he is King," he replied, with his twist of analogue.

"But he is King when his kingdom believes he is," I replied smoothly.

He has no position or power in this castle. He better know who has the upper hand in the conversation. But I admired his courage, speaking as if the devil himself is his protector. That is true in a sense but that devil is not here. No one can protect him now.

"You speak of peace terms," I reminded him of his purpose. "Best get along with it,"

The man smiled and I despised the way he did it. He quickly pulled out a roll of paper, ribboned and sealed with a symbol made of red wax.

"My dearest nephew," he began as soon as he unrolled it. "I know we never were true friends. But I do care for you as I cared for your father. And I am aware that you have bare knowledge about wardom. So I hope that you would oblige to these terms I had made, just for you,"

I fidgetted with the hilt of my sword as Lestor growled. He was making an impression that I was a silly boy, who knows nothing about anything. That does make me irritated.

"Abdicate the throne and announce me as your successor. Here on, you would receive a noble title and I will welcome you to my arms, as any family would. Your wife and your unborn child would be safe and protected from any harm. You have my word on that. And if I fail to produce a male heir, I will turn to you."

"Refuse me and I will show you no mercy. Blood will be spilled over the land your grandfather worked so hard to unify. Everyone you love would be killed or imprisoned. I am afraid that I am barely a merciful man. You surely heard how your parents died in my hands."

"Surrender now and we will make peace, giving rise to a new and more powerful empire. With regards, your dearest Uncle."

For a moment, I sat there numbly as all the words swirled in my mind, like dried leaves in the slightest breeze. And then, that breeze brought forward a storm.

"What makes you think that I would agree to those ridiculous terms?" I asked the messenger, resting a hand over my head.

"Your family," he replied. "Your wife and your unborn child,"

His mentioning Catheline made me almost snap into something more dangerous than I could ever be.

"Tell me, Sir," I told the man with masked coolness. "Which is more powerful, A Lion or a scheming cunning, and vicious hyena?"

His eyes flashed but he never answered. I smiled in a formidable way and leaned forward.

"If the hyena tries to be King, the Lion would rip it apart into pieces," I told him, this time with no smile. "Your False King will never be crowned a true one, not because of his birth status, but because of his barbarity,"

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