{Chapter 106}

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Catheline's POV:

"King Xander Arefes, this is Prince Devin Sierre of Dalia, your cousin. I've written this to inform you that I shall arrive at the gates of Anthreal in two days. I shall be departing for the castle as soon as I visit my men."

I kept staring at the letter before giving it back to Sir Vincent. Eliot was beside me in the summer house, anticipating a reaction. But I remained unresponsive.

It's been two days since my father left. His last words were 'Don't do anything ridiculous.' And I wanted to uphold that vow. That was the least I could do for now.

And now Xander sent me this letter. I couldn't tell if it was to ask for my opinion or just to acknowledge it. We hadn't talked properly due to our busy agendas. All I do know is what Vincent told me. About the return of our men.

"If you're still thinking about our father, don't bother," Eliot sighed, running a hand over his hair. "Old people tend to do that." and then looked at Vincent, who responded with a blank face. My brother chuckled nervously before turning back to me.

"I'm not thinking of what he said..." I replied, shifting my stance. "All I am worried about is Xander. We didn't have time to talk. But I could tell that something happened,"

"Well, it did," Eliot leaned back onto the seat. "I don't know much about it. But what I do know is that he wishes to explain it himself," 

I stayed quiet, glancing at him. "Is it happening? The march?"

My brother simply shrugged. "Not sure. There is a council meeting, isn't there? He might take a decision there,"

I looked away, my heart stopping for a moment. The thought of my husband leaving was the primary idea all along. I thought I prepared myself for it sufficiently. But the thought of facing him leaving was too much for me to think of.

"Don't be sad, Cathy," Eliot held my hand. "Nothing will go out of our control,"

"But what if it does?" I turned to him. "You don't know how long a war could take place. For all we know, it might take years!"

"Then better fix it in your mind, sister," he replied. "We knew this was coming. And I have an assumption that it will happen soon. That must be the purpose of my presence."

My paranoia was something I couldn't get rid of. Horrible images popped into my mind as I clutched my brother's hand harder.

"Please don't let anything happen to him,"

Eliot scoffed. "Of course, I would never-"

"Promise me,"

He gave a pause before breathing in and pulling me closer. "I wouldn't want to see you sad. But I see a fire in your husband's eyes. Of anger and revenge. Besides, he has you. He will come back,"

I smiled, even if that wasn't enough reassurance. I had to stop thinking negatively and look at the much brighter side. Except there was none. Nothing was optimistic about war.

I heard Vincent saying something and turned around. To my genuine shock, I saw two people I didn't expect to see. Or summoned. Both of them walked toward the summer house.

"Your Grace, Prince Eliot,"

"I didn't call you," I told them, distancing myself from my brother. "Is it something serious?"

Zain grinned but stopped when he saw his mentor. "Well...The King called us. He asked us a question just before starting the council meeting,"

I raised an eyebrow, beckoning them to walk closer. The two of them stood beside Vincent. Carlos was the first to speak, more seriously.

The Lonely Warrior QueenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora