{Chapter 112}

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Catheline's POV:

These were the most exhausting and demanding months of my life. But it was also the most exhilarating.

The child in my belly was growing safely and as the days passed, I was joyful to hear the soft heartbeat and the kicks. I woke up and talked to him about her every day and it gave me a sense of assurance.

"Your Grace?" Laura said while I snapped out of my thoughts. "And now, we can finally choose the first clothing the royal child will be draped in."

I looked at the hundreds of small pieces of clothing placed over the tables for me to inspect. Colors for both a male and a female child were here. Seeing all of this made me excited.

"All of these are lovely, Laura," I told the woman, who nodded in agreement. I walked over to the table and looked through the clothing when my eyes landed on one particular shirt. I picked it with one hand and noticed how the colors used were so similar to something I was familiar with.

My husband's eyes.

The shirt was small and it had long sleeves that went beyond the wrists. I rested a hand over my belly and felt a strong kick.

"This one," I looked at Laura and smiled. "I like this one."

She nodded and took it from me before asking me to choose a few more. As I picked up a few, someone knocked on the doors.

"Come in." 

I turned around to find Gillian walking inside, trying to look serious but failing at the sight of the clothes.

"Your Grace," he approached me and reached my side. "Lord Hilan has sent someone to find you. He says that something important had occurred."

I raised my eyebrows. After bidding my farewell to Laura, I followed Gillian and the soldier who was sent. Hilan had been busy taking care of my duties for the past few months. But occasionally, he takes my advice for serious matters. Was this one of them?

"Where are we going?" I asked as we weren't moving toward where his temporary study was located.

"To the hall for guests, Your Grace," the soldier answered politely.

"We have guests?"

"If we could call them."

I sighed and wondered what it could be about. What was this new problem? After a few turns in the hallways, we reached the doors of the guest hall. Outside were a few soldiers who bowed when they saw me. I gave them a nod and the doors opened.

"Your Grace," I heard Sir Vincent's voice.

Inside the chambers were three men; two of whom I knew. There was a third man with blonde hair, who looked quite arrogant because of the way he looked at me.

"It's pleasant to see you in good health, Princess Catheline," the man said and offered a wide smile.

I frowned and walked towards the closest chair before settling in it. "Who are you?"

"My name is Lucas Afiyr, Princess," he tilted his head the slightest. "I am a General in your father's army. You don't know me because I was given the title after you left for marriage." 

I gave a glance at Vincent who nodded. "I know this man in person, Your Grace. Your father trusts him and he is a skilled warrior."

"Then why aren't you at the battlefield, assisting my husband?"

The man smiled which irritated me. "I was tasked with a much important, Princ---" 

"Queen," I corrected him, resting a hand over my belly. But his words woke up some fear in my head. Father had something to do with this?

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