{Chapter 20}

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Narrator's POV:

The room was silent and even if the furnace was ablaze, the warmth seemed to fade away. In the middle of the chambers kneeled a man who was condemned. He had entered the Queen's chambers for some unknown reason. The commotion had already disturbed the castle's inner peace.

"Luckily, the Queen was not hurt," Nathaniel reported to the King.

Madam Daraa glared at the man hatefully. She did not think that such an event to occur so unexpectedly.

"This man is shameless. His crime is punishable by death," She said, voicing out her opinions.

Nathaniel nodded in agreement and looked at the King with a questioning gaze.

Xander stayed quiet. He did not even want to look at the man and firmly stared at the dark sky intently. His head was filled with thoughts that blurred his judgment

So far, he was not sure what to decide.

"Where was he supposed to be stationed?" He asked.

"To the entrance of the third hallway. He was supposed to be there with five more of his companions." Nathaniel reported.

"Take them all in for questioning at the least, to begin with," Xander replied after a few moments.

"As you wish.But what about this one?" His attendant asked him.

Xander thought for a while. This could be a plot or a simple accident. But something made him feel that it was wrong. The recent information that he had learned had haunted his thoughts.

"Take him into questioning as well," he replied.

"As you wish---"

The doors of the chambers burst open, revealing the furious Queen. She had heard what decision had been taken about the man and could not believe it. She sensed that something bad would happen this night.

Luckily, she was still awake when a man entered her room. If she was not awake, then her situation could turn out to be worse.

She managed to injure the man who tried to hurt her and now she made the worst mistake of trusting her husband to punish him. She should have killed the man in her chambers when she had the chance.

She looked at the man with utter hatred. There was something in her eyes that made the room even colder. She looked around her nearby surroundings and found a large vase. Without a word, she grabbed it and approached the man.

"Your Grace!---"

Before anyone could do something, she aimed the vase at his and cracked it over his head. The fragile ceramic broke into a thousand pieces which made the man grunt loudly.

"Your Grace, please calm down---"

"I will not! How can I stay calm after what happened, Lady Daraa!?" The Queen yelled, walking toward the woman.

The woman stayed silent seeing how angry she truly was. The Queen looked into her eyes and understood that the fellow woman got the hint. The room echoed with the groaning man but he fell silent after Nathaniel kicked him in the leg.

Catheline turned to Xander who was staring at her with shock. It has many days since that night and since the next morning, they had not faced each other. Now, Xander has to face his wife and the consequences of what he had done.

"If it was someone else in your place, they would have already killed this man with his own hands," she told him coldly, with boiling anger.

Xander was momentarily surprised. Catheline never spoke to him with such resentment. She never seemed so aggressive to the point of injuring someone.

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