{Chapter 37}

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Xander's POV:

I was on my way to Catheline's chambers.  This was my chance. To either conserve my preserved relationship with her or damage it even more. And I had another opportunity; to admit to myself what I feel for her. Certainly, I enjoyed her company but what else is there?

While deeply occupied with my thoughts and a few hallways to her doors, I happened to meet Nathaniel.

"Your Majesty..." He said in a startled voice. "I have been searching for you,"

I looked at him, feeling more concerned. Did something happen again? Was it...my wife?

"Where is Catheline?" I asked him in a hurry.

He frowned. "The Queen is in her chambers..."

"Good. I have to meet her," I said and rushed away. But Nathaniel caught up and stopped me from going any further.

"There is something important to inform!" He yelled.

I gave him an impatient look and glanced at the objects in his hands. A dark leather book was in his hands, something that caught my eye rather quickly. But first, he held a letter.

"This came for you this morning. It looks serious and hence I had not opened it for you."

I took the tightly rolled paper, sealed with orange wax. Sunster. What was this new issue? I wanted to meet my wife. I hesitantly opened it and found an unfamiliar neat curled writing.

'To King Xander of Anthreal, this is Marwin Sunster, the oldest son of the William Sunster. I have important things to be discussed and hereby ask your permission to enter the royal grounds.'

I stared at the message in a daze. Marwin Sunster was the exiled son, the one he hadn't heard about for years. According to laws, he is the new Duke of his house now. William Sunster did have another son but apparently, he had left the kingdom and there was no news of him.

I handed the letter Nathaniel to too. As soon as he was done, he gave me a surprised look.

"This Marwin Sunster hasn't been in Anthreal for almost two years, Your Majesty," He voiced. "What should be done with him?"

"I want to hear what important things he has to discuss," I decided. More pieces to this puzzle would make the situation more complicated. He could have known about his father's betrayal and might even know about other traitors around. But I must be cautious about him.

"Is there any way for us to send him a reply?" I asked Nathaniel.

He nodded. "The pigeon which was used to deliver the message is caged just in case,"

"Good. Send a reply back that I would like to meet him," I told him. "Make sure the castle is well guarded on his arrival,"

Nathaniel modded and I made a move to leave. To my irritation, Nathaniel stopped me again.

"What is it now?"

"Lady Daraa asked me to give you this..."

In his hands, was the book I saw earlier. I spotted the letter painted on it. E. "What is this?" I asked as I took it into my hands.

"She said that it... It belonged to your mother,"

For a moment, the world seemed to have stopped for me. I glimpsed at the dark letter sketched onto it. No other memories stayed in my head. No other duties called me.


My heart beat a little faster at the very thought of my mother. I barely remembered her. The only way I do know her is from her portraits.

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