{Chapter 57}

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Catherine's POV:

The hallways glowed dimly with the light of the torches placed on the walls in metal caskets. Xander took me through a passage where I have never been before and yet, it too was guarded.

He also made sure that I was not even an inch far away from me. Why is he so silent? He usually talks about something.

"I forgot to tell you," I whispered to him. "I liked your present earlier this morning,"

He did not respond to my statement. Instead, he stopped walking and looked at the ground in deep thought. Realizing that he did not wish to talk, I decided to keep quiet.

We resumed walking again in silence. I did not relish it at all. He barely smiled all this time which made me worry. At last, I was unable to hold it in any longer.

I stomped on my feet and walked forward to face him. He seemed stunned by my action and stopped moving.

"I can always tell if something is wrong with you," I told him stubbornly. "And I know that something is bothering you right now."

"Nothing is bothering me," he replied, avoiding my eyes.

I frowned and held his hands firmly in mine. Again, he avoided my eyes. Right then, the child in me kicked me with unusual strength. That further sparked my anger.

"You are making me very upset right now. Even our child can sense it!" I shouted. "What happened?"

His eyes quivered in fear as I mentioned our child. He looked at my belly, guilt flooding his eyes. His helpless expression, in turn, made me regret my tone.

"I...I am so sorry for upsetting you," he whispered.

"I might take your apology if you tell me what is on your mind," I reasoned, crossing my arms.

At this, he looked even more overwhelmed. It hit me like a wave as I realized that I was pressuring him. All he wanted was to take me somewhere which would cheer me up. I sighed and moved closer to him.

"Fine. If you do not wish to say it, I would not pry it out of you," I told him calmly, looking into his eyes.

This time, he returned my stare and nodded. Even that was done with no emotions.

Something was troubling him deeply. And the worse thing about it is that I can't even help him lessen it.

We finally reached a dimly lit hallway where there was a large staircase in front of us. I looked at them and bit my lip nervously, wondering if I was able to climb those many stairs.

Xander stepped on two of them before realizing that I was not following him. He turned back and looked at me with concern.

"Is there anything wrong, Catheline?" he asked me softly.

"I am afraid that I would not be able to climb all those stairs," I pouted, shifting my feet.

He looked at me apologetically and looked at the top of the staircase. I decided to jest about it for some fun.

"If my dear husband would carry me, I would be pleased,"

I grinned as he looked at me, expecting him to laugh. Instead, he looked at me, as if he had an epiphany.

Without warning, he stepped down and placed a hand around my shoulders.

"What are you- ah!"

Before I knew it, he already lifted me off my feet and held me tightly in his arms. I put one hand on my mouth to stop any further vocal reactions.

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