{Chapter 23}

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Catheline's POV:

After what seemed like hours, I came out of the memorial chambers. I and Lady Daraa did not exchange any conversation after that, which made me realize that she was very much upset too. Karra was pacing around but froze when she saw me.

"You are here, Your Grace. I was worried," She said and approached me.

"Do not worry," I said, looking around. "Where is Nathaniel?"

"He said he had some work to do," Karra replied. "What happened?"

I sighed and shook my head. All the things that I learned today, I did not want to talk about yet. For now, I craved some silence too.

"Let's go," I said and began walking.

"Where to?"

"Just a stroll," I replied absentmindedly.

"Your Grace, it is raining so heavily outside," Karra uttered nervously.

I stopped and looked outside. The rain was falling from the dark grey sky as if it would never stop. The sounds of the rumbling sky could drown out anything else.

"Library," I responded.

The books were a solace I was fond of. Filled with endless stories and some peace, the library was the only place I could find what I wished for.

I looked around, to find a book to read. Suddenly, I remembered something important.

"Karra?" I called.

"Yes, Your Grace?" Karra said and approached me.

"Since my bird died, I have not sent any letters to my father," I said in a dull voice.

"I shall find a suitable bird for you," Karra replied.

"How about...a person?"

"A person?" Kara repeated. "But I am not sure if that is advisable, Your Grace..."

I paused as I found a book I liked. Karra was right. These days, we could not trust anyone except ourselves. There could be a turncoat anywhere and we would not know who.

"You are right. A bird it is then," I told her and she nodded.

I grabbed the book and spent the entire day in the library. The rain never halted and all we could do was stay under our shelters. I never liked this weather because when I was younger, I had to chance to practice sparring due to this reason. I was forced to stay inside and had to learn about 'princess things.'

As always, I had my ways to entertain myself than being surrounded by a bunch of loud women. I had a special hobby of wood carving, which I had let go of a few years ago. My father did not appreciate the injuries I sustained while carving the objects of my imagination.

"Karra..." I called, turning around.


"We need to keep an eye on everything. When you go around the castle and notice anything strange, you have to report it to me," I told her while shutting the book.

"I understand. But why so, Your Grace?"

"These rainy days are the best for an ambush. Some elements will be ignored. I fear...something would happen in this castle soon..." I told her. As soon as I said those words, I felt the coldness behind them.

"I see...I will do what you ask me to," Karra bowed. "But what if someone sees my actions suspicious?"

"We are not doing something bad. Doing good is not a bad thing," I told her calmly. "And just tell them my name and they would not raise a word against you,"

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