{Chapter 114}

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Catheline's POV:

I didn't know how they managed to move me to the birthing chambers.

All I remember was the pure agony that was coursing through my blood, settling in every muscle of my body. Everyone around me was either shouting in panic or shouting at each other. It did bring some silence when I was taken to the chambers and allowed to sit.

"Take deep breaths," Laura's voice guided me. "And push, Your Grace."

Karra was holding my hand and squealing whenever I squeezed it too hard. "You went through---ahh!"

"Apologies..." I muttered before pushing like I was asked to.

It felt like I was on fire. While I was sweating and moaning, Karra did whatever she could to make me ignore the pain.

"You've been through a lot and you're much braver than you think!"

No matter how hard I tried to stifle the screams that threatened to leave me, I was failing. I hated to show weakness. I hated to surrender to it.

"Isn't it a bit too early?" I heard Merline's voice from somewhere.

"Most women give birth early," The midwife replied, looking back.

It felt like a hundred years had passed in the next three hours. By the time dawn arrived, I was barely conscious. But I didn't rest until I knew my baby was out of me. At this moment, I wished for nothing more than to have Xander by my side.

"You'll be fine, Cathy. I love you so much and know enough that you can do this."

I grunted one last time, hoping furiously that this was it. Every drop of my energy had drained out but even then, I didn't hate the process. I knew it had to be done so I could give life to the child I adored and waited for so long.

"Just one more push, it's halfway out!" Laura peeked through the blankets.

I bit down on my lip so hard that it drew blood. Clutching the bed sheets tightly, I used every bit of power I had in my body to push out my child.

"The child is here!" Karra squealed and everyone surrounded Laura, who turned around. I was allowed to rest and laid back on the pillow, my vision blurring and sounds muffling around me.

The last thing I remember hearing was a child's wailing.

It was that same dream.

The one I saw Cayden in.

No, it can't be. I already had my child. And I was closer to the chance of avenging my lost one. Why was I seeing this again?

I turned around to find the little boy standing there. This time, he didn't leave me or disappear. He had the brightest smile on his face which prompted me to smile.

"Mother," he said. He never called me that in any of the nightmares. "I heard I have a sibling now." 

"Yes..." I squatted down and looked into his eyes. I tried to find words but wasn't able to.

We stared at each other for some time and as I thought he would walk away, he did. But not away. He came towards me and wrapped his tiny arms around me.

I found myself opening my eyes slowly. My head felt hammered and the pain between my legs intensified. Ignoring it, I rolled my head to the side to see someone sitting at the edge, with something on her lap.


She jumped and turned around. The dog on her lap jumped away from her and the woman crept closer to me.

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