{Chapter 56}

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Catheline's POV:

I spend the rest of the day in wonder and a bit of fascination. By the time I realized what was going on, the sky had already darkened.

Gabriel had already visited and informed me that my child was fine and healthy. He also explained how pregnancy was different for different women. Some women wished for bizarre food and some did not. Some liked moving a lot and others simply liked to lie down most of the time.

As for me...

Even I am not sure what I want. Do I move around or do I rest? For the past five months, I had exhibited many forms of behavior. Maybe I liked moving around and resting.

I closed the windows carefully and smoothed my skirts. My feet tingled as I moved, making me conclude that I have been sitting there for a long time. This is not the life the past me would have admired.

I moved toward the cage where my little hawk sat, chirping around. Many times, I noticed it fluttering its tiny wings in the cage. It made me pity how I had to place it in confinement.

"My apologies, little one," I whispered and unlocked the door to the cage.

I put my hands inside and captured Ferus carefully in my hand. It was already twittering madly as I held him. I carefully placed him in both of my palms.

"You remind me of Mimy," I smiled sadly.

It reminded me of the sweet little friend I used to own who, at this moment, was all dust beneath the ground.

I shook my head firmly, deciding against any upsetting thought. No negative idea should roam my mind for a moment longer.

"I will let you down," I fussed, trying to calm my pet.

I carefully kneeled and let him on the ground. Ferus moved after chirping and took a few leaps forward. It was slightly bigger than the first time I had seen it. It was adorable now but as it would grow up, it would become serious and refined.

Those words reminded me of Xander. I sat on the floor while hugging my belly cautiously. Thinking of my husband welcomed many thoughts into my head.

I remembered how he said that he once was a happy and carefree child. At first, it was a little hard to visualize such a prospect. He is just too complicated and troubled.

But I knew.

I know what he is. I know what hides beneath the unfeeling mask that pushed everyone away from him.

I turned around to see the glass vase near the night table where the blue rose rested, unmoving and serene.

As I was so distracted by my thoughts, I did not realize that the door had been opened. A half scream and a squeal pulled my attention like a rock falling on the ground.

"No, Ferus!"

I got onto my feet as fast as my pregnant body allowed me to. Fear was being pumped into my blood as I ran toward the door.

"Karra!?" I called out, knowing that it was her voice.

I stopped at the door frame, realizing that I was not allowed to roam outside. Hence, I stood there and peeped outside. To my shock, I found the hallway empty. For a quick moment, I saw the skirt of a woman turn around the hallway.

My bird.

No, nothing can be allowed to happen to it.

Why am I so stupid!?

I felt a shrill pain in my body and I tried to calm myself down. In the process, my child sent a furious kick.

"Calm down..." I told myself as I peeked outside again.

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