44.3:"Carrying the burden".

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They sit in the hospital emergency room as she was getting treated for the wound on her arm. He stands beside her watching her hissing in pain when the doctor stitches her wound and his own heart clenched watching her.

He should have run faster.

He managed to pull her away but her hand hit the metal of the truck that was ripped causing a big wound on her arm and the bleeding even scared him at that moment. He placed a cloth over her arm to stop the bleeding as he runs for his car and brought her to hospital in record time.

"Just make sure you finish the drip before you leave and the medicine you can buy from outside. She might have a fever because of the sudden trauma and the stitches so be careful". The doctor explained him 

He nodded taking the receipt going outside to pay the bill and to bring her medicine. After he was done collecting he went back inside to find her looking at the wall quietly.

"What were you thinking?". He asked sitting on the chair beside her

"I wasn't thinking". She said shrugging

"You were running away". He stated knowing exactly what he saw, "Why?".

"You said wounds were ugly but what about the people who gave them?. What are they?". She asked as sadness lace through her voice

He tilts his head, "I don't think people have conscious to care about how their words and actions can make someone else". He pauses sighing, "Those are the most hideous people on earth. Without conscious they ruin everything and everyone around them".

She nodded, "I don't want to see them".

She didn't hear anything from him in return so she turns to look at him finding him in deep thoughts.

"I didn't want to say this..". He started,  "But unfortunately those people I saw early will be in the meetings because they are our competitors".

Her eyes widen as she panics, "Can we not see them, please?".

"Are you going to continue avoiding them?". He asked gently

"I cannot see them. I just can't". She said feeling suffocated

"Noor". He said calling her loudly to grab her attention before she goes in full panic, "I will be there with you. You aren't alone".

Those were the words he once desired to hear from someone. He shakes his head not wanting to dwell in his feelings because that will leave him to the dark place he doesn't wish to be in.

After the drip ended they went back to the hotel without any more words exchanged. Once she was inside her room she fell to the floor feeling the unbearable pressure on her shoulder.

She chokes on the ground as tears start to fall continuously while she cried her heart out. She remembers every word and action which killed her from inside. She feels her heart ripping into pieces as she walks towards her room standing in front of the mirror she couldn't even bear to look at herself.

She finds herself the most horrible person on earth or so she was asked to believe. She hadn't hurt anyone in any way yet she feels the wound appearing on her skin as she looks at herself. 

The dark red bruises on her pale face that she knows well how to cover. Those bruises even when they are not there now she cannot ever look at herself in the mirror without them. It was all her fault that she was this way. She wasn't a person who deserved anything in her life which is why she was trying harder than other to never have her parents be disappointed in her and for them to never have complains from her so they don't abandon her just like her birth mother.

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